Re: Disability employment services

I too am very embarrassed to go to centrelink, today I got the paperwork to apply for the disability pension, it is something I did not want to do as you feel your giving in to the illness, centrelink suggested it as I have had about 18 months of certificates and exemptions and they said the requests to see a job agency will keep happening on new start and it is not flexible, the paperwork is lots and daunting with no guarantee of getting a pension, if they dont assess you as severe , you have to do a programme of support before applying for it again I think, My psychiatrist thinks I am severe and I certainly know I am, I shake a lot of the time, cry a lot, see know one except my mum who I live with and sisters when they visit, friends dont seem to get what mental illness is, only one of mine is helpfull, the rest I never see I should be gratefull I have just enough steam to try and get the paperwork done and tackle the centrelink merry go round, many would not and thats how you end up living under a bridge.

I went from earning $5000 a week 3 years ago in pillbara mines now to the depth of the disease, I have had depression for about 20 years but never this bad, I should not whinge, there are far worse than me, but at time's we need a release, suicide is my biggest worry at the moment, the urge is strong, you can't seem to see a future

Jem80 you are right, if you are with a disability employment service, you do have some rights to design a job plan and turn down a job that will make your condition worse, but it's a fine line and by the time you appeal it they may breach you, thats some legal advice I got today. the job agency's have kpi's to fill

Re: Disability employment services


Try not to feel that by going for the disability support pension is like giving into the illness. You're not. The disability support pension is there to assist people. I am on one and I still work and socialise. I see the disability support pension as a supportive component. It does not control my illness.

Are you having suicidal thoughts?

Lifeline on 131114 might be of benefit for you. It is the chance to talk to someone about what you are going through and having a tentative and empathetic ear.


Re: Disability employment services

Thanks for advice.My next door neighbor here is a worker from the factory I worked at for 20 years so I avoid being outside out of work and lunch hours.Because I sat and had tea breaks with them I know how they gossip and our house and verandah is high so it takes the privacy away.As for volunteering,I have a attitude against it because I know everyone in these places and feel humiliated.My only problem now is my referees are old I realise volunteering is good for that apparently.Im not having a good day,feeling low so today isn't a day for me to cite my thoughts.

Re: Disability employment services

hello Li1

My references are old as well so I understand that feeling, the work I have done the last 5 years has been short term, all be it high paying, on 2 of those jobs I had breakdowns, and did not get references from the rest, also workers and bosses seem to sense something is not right with you and are not very understanding, I am in a small town also and being unemployed and ill is demoralising.

Some say working will make you feel better, but for me that was not happening, I was trying to push on and look smooth on top like a duck on water paddling crazy underneath,

Re: Disability employment services

I know how Get Better feels about Centrelink I never learnt big money but had a wage,savings,could walk in and write a cheque to pay credit card monthly,now after four years in credit card debt,and no money in the bank,this is what is very hard to wake up with because we cannot understand and get our heads around what happened to us,and how we can go from someone with a high work ethic to someone who wonders if they can actually work at all.

The jobs like yesterday you are accepted for interviews because they want people when they want them whether it's 3hrs or 6.It really p***** me off how they can get away with not guaranteeing a certain amount of hrs,and for me 30 minutes away and it being a night/midnight,I feel like I can't be vulnerable to that type of work.Plus as I said I could sense the b***** environment in five minutes.I don't know if I can play the game anymore and put up with workplace crap.I want more out of a job than this,it hurts you to think the only reason they chose you was because they know you are long term unemployed and you are at the bottom of the food chain.Then they wonder why we are on medical certificates.They say completely different on the internet job description which the Manager said "All depends how you read it!". Shouldn't it be a true job description and not state 10pm to 6 am in the morning Monday to Sunday ,not get there and say it could be 3hrs or 4 or more and 3 days a week, depends?You know they are putting a heap on to save costs.With all the rules and regulations,they can get away with false job advertising.

I want to work but I want to know it's worthwhile for me to do so , otherwise it won't make you feel  better.Down today because it gives you false hope and I am angry that my life no matter what I do is hopeless.As well getbetter,I travel 1.5 hrs next week to see my psychologist and a doctor then put the medical certificate in to the Centrelink there just so I don't have to face the shame of being seen at the local one 30 minutes away because I am now a long term bludger who can't get a job no matter what she does.

Re: Disability employment services

Thanks @Former-Member, yes we are vulnerable, but I guess they either don't recognise it or don't care.

Hi, @jem80, I did suggest they could talk to centrelink directly but that resulted in them calling me rude.

I agree that health should take priority, but try to get an employment agency to consider that.

Just my opinion but putting undue pressure on someone who is already distressed and suffereing a potentially fatal condition doesn't seem acceptable.

I am sorry for your misfortunes too.

Re: Disability employment services

I made an appointment to see my psychologist and a doctor for next week to get a medical certificate.Had trouble ringing up as truthfully I am tired of being in this position,feeling like a fraud but need the medical certificate to keep me safe from the reality of the hopelessness I feel.To walk into a job agency or for them to make me look for 20 jobs a month,terrifies me as all I see is humiliation from my long term job efforts.A s I said I don't know what happened to me,the one who never missed a day at work going to work each morning in a PPS jumper.Now I am just a ghost.

Re: Disability employment services

Here for you @Former-Member Heart

Good on you for doing the practical stuff, even though it hurts.

I hope seeing your psychologist helps a bit. Can you fill them in on how you're feeling?

Re: Disability employment services

funny thing is  @Former-Member in my recent dealings with Centrelink, a lot of the people in there were quite well off thankyou very much, eg people who had got 6000 from govt despite earning 110, 000, then come in wondering why they dont get quite so much anymore, because the limit dropped to 95k so they may have to go out and buy another house to negative gear to get max benefits again.. pensioners with $1.6 million in assets etc, grey nomads just dropping in to get a bit more etc, yet its all those who cant look after themselves in this changing to USA conditions environment..  yeah, its the people who grew up and worked in a fair society then watched it become 3-7 income plus 3-7 houses all the while paying no tax, yet its the ones with no valid viable housing and employment being told to start their own businesses etc while the govt invites workers in from overseas .. yeah makes sense them ..

Re: Disability employment services

Li1 if you can, it might be worthwhile seeing a psychiatrist, perhaps through the community health centre, I know your embarassed of your illness as I am, but a psychiatrist can prescribe medication that a GP wont, and you can also talk to them like a psychologist, they also have a bit more clout with centrelink,

In 2011 I had a major episode and we tried a medication not used much in AU, it worked very well for about 4 years,

I find my GP useless with mental health,  I do not see him much, the other day he told me to bring my mum in next time and he will teach her how to motivate me, useless advice, my mum was a nurse for 45 years. after that remark I will look for a new gp, my depression is melancholic, it does not respond to talking therapies much.