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Re: Disability employment services

Thanks for advice get better.I saw a psychiatrist 4years ago when I had a reaction to antidepressants which gave me facial ticks etc,and he had to prescribe a antidepressant that was "safe"from reaction. I stopped taking antidepressants last year when I was busy moving and won't take them due to my life being Hopeless.I don't believe taking a "happy pill" ,my name for them will help my pathetic life.I took them before believing they would help me improve my life.Four years ago they saved my life I was having severe psychosis with a voice telling me to take my life.Many tmes I wish I did as life has turned out for the worse,not better.I know the medical certificates from the discussions here will only be for a certain time.I always hope to get a job but giving up on that.I have Generalized Anxiety and Major Depression,dont want a disability pension want that for those who need it,not because I am oppressed by my circumstances in life.

Re: Disability employment services

Tab my psychologist said she has clients who get newstart and own units and houses in Sydney.I do not  know how they do it.If I was in that position,my pride would come first.And as  we have said I had to use up my money before I could get benefitsI have also seen people well off in Business having the Health  Concession Card.This doesn't make me feel any better about my position.

Re: Disability employment services

Shimmer,thanks for support.It doesn't help to see the psychologist much as I know I go now just because I'm on medical certificates,havent much faith in the counselling after 4 years,and a falling out with a mental health nurse who I'd been with and put my trust into and believed in him.Yes as discussed on Sane I had agreed to go into hospital for depression early November .I felt more optimistic last week with the job interview,but since the second job interview the other day I've been low,not wanting to face the world.Sick of the welfare cycle and being in this position...not the only one,but it's hard to go and get a medical certificate for a mental "I can't cope with life".I ve had it repetitively for the past four years and no matter what I do ,I can't change it.I no longer believe the crap that things will get better ,because it doesn't.

Re: Disability employment services

Hi @Former-Member  yeah I can't dwell on that too much re my own current work status, money probs etc, but yeah there are massive 'holes' in the 'System' and I wish I hadn't seen a lot of them to be totally honest, as I said previously, things I have come across, well, jaw kept hitting the ground who can get what from the government ..despite being well off already ..

Re: Disability employment services

It makes one wonder at such people's own mental fitness and their suitability for the job they're in.
I'd have to concur with you pertaining to quotas, as virtually everything nowadays is about quotas instead of doing what's right for the individual.
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