Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover @Shaz51 

I'll talk to the disability organisation again, they actually tried to ring today. And I needed to get in touch with the potential helper anyway. Also my health insurer might have suggestions. I'm mulling over whether I could check into a local aged care place that offers transition from hospital. So there's a few things I can try. My psychiatrist wasn't much help apart from saying I needed to stay somewhere. 

Very tired tonight and another big day tomorrow. 


Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , that's encouraging the the disability organisation rang you yesterday. Am sending wishes that you get a solution soon, either from them or the govt organisation or a helper or the transition at the aged care place you mentioned. 🤞


How was your sleep last night? I hope you were able to catch up a bit... Also, I'm sure all this stress and trouble is very draining as well 😢


I'm still upset about your tree. 


Hope your big day today goes OK... 

Re: Winter solstice

Thinking of you lots 💓 @Dimity 

Hello @NatureLover 😊

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover 7 trees & shrubs were mutilated or destroyed. All of them. Everything in that garden. I've given up trying to understand why.

The dentist was nerve wracking. I took taxis as I couldn't walk to the busstop.

The aged care places I contacted don't offer short-term transition care despite one advertising that they do. 

The disability people can't offer anything concrete by way of assistance, just platitudes and "advice". 

I feel I'm losing the plot. Maybe the agency carer can help, I meet her in a few days. Or maybe it will be too much for her too.

And it's so cold.




Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity wrote:

@NatureLover 7 trees & shrubs were mutilated or destroyed. All of them. Everything in that garden. I've given up trying to understand why.

I'm so sad for you and the trees and shrubs, @Dimity  😢


Oh dear re dentist 😣


Are you running your heater? I agree, it's cold. And it's only the start of winter. I read somewhere that we are expecting a "warm" winter but I'm yet to see it! 


Am disappointed for you about the aged care and disability organisation. Am sending wishes that the agency helper can help 🤞❤️

Re: Winter solstice

I'm running the a/c @NatureLover but still feeling the cold. I've not been very active or walked which doesn't help re staying warm. I'm grateful for online groceries and my neighbour put out the bins. 

I need to get onto paperwork again - my bane - and try to get back on track. There's a lot to be done and the depression is building again.



Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover I'm feeling calmer. I'll see how the next few days go.


Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , am glad you're feeling calmer, although sorry to hear about the depression 😢


That's good your nice neighbour put out the bins for you. 


I was up early at 5.10 today as I'm filling in for someone at work this morning from 9. I feel good at that hour, then it's all downhill from there, lol. I imagine that better feeling is how you feel in the late evenings?


I'm glad you're running your heater. Good luck if you tackle the paperwork today...

Re: Winter solstice

P.S. Good luck with meeting the agency helper as I think that's in the next few days? 🤞 @Dimity 

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover I cancelled meeting the helper again because of a family lunch and now she's not got back to me. I've let her down so I don't blame her but it's so difficult and disappointing. 

I forgot the paperwork and of course Monday is a public holiday. I'm not coping. 

I had a confrontation with the pharmacist today because they've been refusing to give me generics. I asked for my scripts back (they keep them on file) so I could change pharmacy and they admitted they've had the generics all along. The difference was $10 per prescription so it added up (especially since I'm on the concession rate).

I'm hoping to catch up on chores tomorrow, I've tried but failed this week. I feel like a grub when I can't keep up. 

I hope you're not too tired after your extra day, and can relax over the long weekend - if you get it.