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My adult son has been sectioned

He has no diagnosis. He had a breakdown at home. Went to the hospital. They sent him to bigger hospital. He was asked if he wanted to be voluntary or involuntary. He said voluntary. But they sectioned him anyway. This is second hand info and may not be quite correct. He is locked up. How does this help him to recover?


Re: My adult son has been sectioned

Hey @Missymoo2 ,


I'm so sorry this has happened. It must be a very difficult situation for both of you and all those involved.


I hear that he went in as a voluntary patient and has now been sectioned. Usually, this happens if the person wants to leave, but the doctors do not feel the person is safe enough to do so.


I have many experiences of this. I hear how distressing it is for you.


Are you able to contact the hospital to ask about what's happening?

Re: My adult son has been sectioned

If he’s being held, they can start to rule out some illnesses that it could be and keep him physically safe at this point. If you’re his next of kin then you can ring the hospital to ask for more information and to see if he’d like you to get him anything from home, like toiletries, a change of clothes, a favourite tea or a jumper.

Re: My adult son has been sectioned

Hey @Missymoo2 ,


How are you today? How's your son?


Hope you've been able to get some more answers.

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