Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 so nice to hear from you hon. Just to know that you are home safely.

I hope the meds kick in and help. 

You certainly are not a loser hon. I would just wait for my regular gp too. They know us much better. I hope you don't get sent to hospital either. Hopefully by Tuesday the meds would be helping.



Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie I just freak out with chest infections. A few years ago I was diagnosed with lung cancer, even have it written on the radiographer's report but when I saw the oncologist after jumping his queue he looked at the scans and said "I don't agree with this report"...he did more tests and it was a fungal infection. Never had the word "fungus" sounded so good! I'll see my GP and get a referral to that same lovely oncologist for a checkover I'll trust.


About to have some Jewish penicillin aka chicken soup..homemade by me.


What are you doing this evening?

Re: Morning has broken

With your past @Eve7 no doubt that you freak out. Any normal person would.

At least with your own gp, they have your history. If a referral helps you physically and mentally, than go for it.


Nothing better than home made soup. Sounds delicious. 

I'll prob have a cup of soup!


Not up to a lot tonight. S at work, D at boyfriends, so just H and I home. I have meals frozen that I've cooked, perfect for nights like this. H can just have one of them.


Have you got much planned?

Re: Morning has broken

I had a cup of soup for lunch @Snowie but then was inspired watching Nigella and there was leftover chicken and a few veg in the fridge plus herbs from my I made soup. Nigella also made, what looked easy, an apricot and almond cake so I copied that recipe. However, my niece has sent me some peanut butter pie so no cake making tonight.


I’m already ‘high as a kite’ from the steroids, just one of the side effects another being it fixes arthritis pain only to damage bones. At least I’m pain free and can move my shoulders for the first time in months. Be thankful 😌 


My daughter in law and grandsons are here after spending the day with family. I was glad to be alone.


The mh nurse is coming tomorrow and I also have a zoom appointment with the. Uni counsellor.


As of tomorrow I am an old aged pensioner!!! Well, not a full pension but I just scraped in to qualify for a health care card. Woopee, I am officially OLD!!



Re: Morning has broken

Wow @Eve7 🙂


I don't know what to say re being OLD. 


You are so active for me to classify you as old. Of course I'm not saying that older people can't be active, but for what you do, it's pretty incredible.

Re: Morning has broken

You’re a darling @tyme I’m still trying to decide what I’ll do when I grow up hehe


How are you?

Re: Morning has broken

I've had COVID. I'm feeling quite good, but the doc recommended I don't go anywhere until I test negative... so I'm just planning how to spend a week at home @Eve7 I'm totally not used to it!


Lol. I like the idea of not knowing what you want to be when you grow up... unless you say "When I grow up, I want to be a kid" lol


So good to see you!

Re: Morning has broken

I should send you some of my Jewish penicillin (chicken soup) @tyme guaranteed to cure all manner of lurgies. Sorry you have covid but pleased you're feeling ok and I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you occupied over the next week or until you're negative.


I'm happy to be back on here, feeling good mentally but it's the steroids for my asthma and I have to be careful I don't get too high!!


About to go to bed so will say good night. 

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks for your message @NatureLover  Im still unwell with asthma but on steroids so hopefully this will clear soon.


How are you my friend? I hope you see some winter sun today. 💛😊💛

Re: Morning has broken

Does that mean it is your Birthday today @Eve7??

I would never have seen you as old, you are still young in my eyes.


I hope both of your appointments have gone well today hon.


How are you feeling?