Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 pleased to hear your day is better today. Hope it continues to improve. Mine was better as well. Please take good care


Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  Sending wishes for strength for you, and also for your DIL so she can arrange the funeral this week... 🤞💛

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 I hope things are slowly starting to be organised. Sending lots of love 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 hey Eve, hope things are slowly getting a bit better for you. Prayers and love to you.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  Sending wishes / prayers for you and for the funeral to be arranged this week 💛

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 wishing you well. Sounds like it’s been really rough for you 💖🫂

Re: Morning has broken

Not something I would wish on my worst enemy @creative_writer . I hope your day goes well for you.


I’ll answer you here @Emelia8 . Everything is coming together well now even though it still seems surreal. Lots of family will be arriving over the next few days. I wish my mum would come but I know that’s not possible.


After all the necessary arrangements are over I plan to go away and look at the autumn leaves up on the range and then I’ll go south for a few days before it gets too cold.


I trust you and Hannah are well.



Re: Morning has broken

Thanks for bringing your response back to this thread @Eve7 . My apologies for replying on Snowies thread earlier,  but when I read there that funeral arrangements were finally happening, I just jumped in and replied.  Didnt even dawn on me until I was about done that I realised I was on someone elses thread. 


Its unfortunate your Mum wont be able to be there for S2s funeral,  but at 95yo and with  mobility issues, its a big ask. Besides,  if she did go,  it would mean someone (probably you)  would be constantly distracted in taking care of her. You dont want that,  and I feel sure she doesnt either.  I'm sure if she could, without affecting others,  she would. Just not a good idea. These days she will likely be able to catch a live stream of the service in the comfort of her loungeroom. Much better all round. 


Hannah is recovering from her big desexing operation yesterday. She is very sooky today,  the poor baby. Need to keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesnt do anything she shouldnt. Going to be hard for next 2 weeks while she heals. 🐶


Sending love and kind thoughts your way. Hoping all plans come together well. 💖

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

I agree with @Emelia8 about your mother. You need to concentrate on yourself and not have to worry about your mum. 

I'm glad things have been arranged now. Hopefully that means that you can get away too.

Sending lots of love 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

One of my nephews will stay back with mum to watch the live stream @Emelia8 @Snowie  that statement was just me being a sook and wanting my mother. There’s no way mum would even contemplate flying up. 😥 it will be on with my big girl pants.