Re: Morning has broken

Hugs @Eve7 ❤️❤️


Hello @Emelia8 , @PizzaMondo , @Bow , @NatureLover 

Re: Morning has broken

I hope they are able to organise the funeral for you @Eve7 - I can imagine that would take a little stress off of your shoulders, and then you could chase the autumn leaves ❤️

I know you had told your pdoc that you need to be here for your family right now, and it sounds like an admission is not on the cards for you right now; but I want to check in with you - what can you do and where can you go if you are feeling unsafe?

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 hey Eve, so sorry about the hard time you're going through. Pray it gets easier as time goes on.And you will be happy and fulfilled again. It's a very hard journey I understand. I am going through a very hard patch as well. My mother has a serious personality disorder. Growing up with her makes one very vulnerable. My father became very controlling and deliberately unsettle when I began work and make money. I am naturally very sensitive and reactive. Life has been a very tough journey. I am so sorry that you have to go through your loss and grief. Hope we both grow stronger and better. Tale care. Love and hugs


Re: Morning has broken

Oh @Eve7 😥 I wish that your DIL will arrange the funeral this week and not leave you in limbo 😥


Sending so much hugs and care 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks for your support @NatureLover @Meowmy @PizzaMondo 


I do have a safety plan with numbers available for me to contact if needed. The mh nurse will visit on Wednesday and I have a supportive GP as well as a psych.I even have a loving mother but at 95 she’s unlikely to come and visit me. 

This time will pass….

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Morning has broken

Precious @Eve I can't imagine your pain. Putting you darling boy to rest is cruel but necessary. The hurt you feel sounds unbearable so

I am praying that a date is organised so that your darling boy will rip soon.


Here for you Eve and holding your hand 💕 

Re: Morning has broken

Dear @Eve7 , concerned for you and sending wishes that your DIL arranges the funeral this week 🤞💛

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 hey Eve, hope you had an okay day. Pray the evening will be gentle and kind to you. Life is so hard. Pray you can get through gently. Take care.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Morning has broken

Today has been better @Meowmy thank you for asking.


Hope all ok at your end.