Re: Morning has broken

I can understand what you did @Eve7're in such terrible pain 💔

Re: Morning has broken

Thinking of you lots dear @Eve7  and sending wishes 💛


When is the funeral? 😭

Re: Morning has broken

Leaving a bucket load of 💗💗 for you hon @Eve7 


Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @Snowie   You are so kind 💜

Re: Morning has broken

You would do the same @Eve7 


I know it would be such a difficult time for you. Just know we are here for when you need us.


Re: Morning has broken

I was able to see my pdoc this morning and she said I could see her again next week before she goes away @Snowie I can’t see the point though because nothing will help me feel any better. It’s just a time I have to get through.

Re: Morning has broken

I guess that is nice of your pdoc @Eve7 

Yes you have to get through this time but that doesn't stop from people caring about you and wanting to help. 


Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 Sending you a whole heap of love and squishy hugs sweetheart 🥰

Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @Zoe7 💚

Re: Morning has broken

Thinking of you lots dear @Eve7  😭

I'm glad you can see your pdoc an extra time before she goes away...just in case. 

Sending wishes and care... 💛