Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

@ENKELI  lol I’m the same. I can usually pickup the pronunciation, after I reread the word about 3 times. If not then I Google it.

When my cognitive dissonance is really bad, I Google a lot. It’s reassuring.


Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

@Jynx  @tyme Schitt’s Creek Moira Rose words we ❤️

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

@Glisten 🤣🤣 "Well I'm not an alchemist, John!!"


Now you've inspired me to start a re-watch of Schitt's Creek!! Heck yes, Saturday night is set 😁

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

Lol @Glisten . Tooooo funny.

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

@Adge oh that brings back memories!


We grew up just above the poverty line and mum couldn't afford a TV so she used to get the dictionary and find a word that my brother or I had to describe.

Antidisestablishmentarianism was one word I still remember and mum, my bro and I still throw it around.

Circumlocution is another favourite (the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive)


By the time mums' sister gave us a hand me down black & white TV we still used to set time aside once a week to play the dictionary game 😊

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

Love “Lifequake” @Glisten .  Describes perfectly what I have been through 🙏♥️

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

@Glisten  hey G my life is full of lifequakes!

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play

Nice @ENKELI @Glisten ! Lifequake - I like that word!

Re: Word for the Day - Comfort or Play


People here in WA use that word.

Though I haven't heard that word used elsewhere.
