Re: Share a cuppa?

Danish is more closely related to Norwegian @Shaz51, Austrian German is very similar to German. However, as far as I know, all the Germanic languages have their origins in Norway, as do all the Scandinavian languages except Swami and Finnish. I know that Finnish is a Ural language, which is interesting because the Finnish are Scandinavians.

So it may be that they adopted their language from a people who were there before them

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51 my Shazzy. I have gone through 4ltrs of milk and half a can of chocolate Quik.

In frozen glasses.🥛


Re: Share a cuppa?

There are very interesting books about how all the European royal families, including the current English one trace their ancestries back to the royal families of Denmark and Norway. So you may not know it but King Charles is a cousin of yours, as are the royals of Denmark, Holland, Spain, the Russian royal family....even I'm related to the English and Irish royal families, so even you and I are related; and by the way you're also related to Jason Donovan.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Actually, sorry it's you @avant-garde who's related to King Charles and all the royal families of Europe...and also Jason Donovan, not you @Shaz51. Sorry about that Shaz.

Re: Share a cuppa?


I don't like King Charles, he's a cheating jerk. I liked Diana.

Re: Share a cuppa?

My father was also a cheating jerk who also married the woman he cheated on my mum with, and theirs is a very happy marriage, and my stepmum is a lovely person, as are my mum and dad, so I'm prepared to forgive King Charles...and we don't always get to choose who we're related to, but put it this ways you're also related to King George VI whose monarchy helped bring the British through WW2.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @avant-garde, my dad was also a cheating jerk. He cheated on my mum, with the woman he's now married to, and my stepmum is a wonderful woman, as are my mum and dad, so I'm prepared to

Re: Share a cuppa?

So I'm prepared to for King Charles. Besides you're not only related to Charles, @avant-garde, but also to King George VI, whose monarchy brought the British through WW2.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @Shaz51. For me...I'm recovering from the shock of winning a gift card. I never win anything! Hope this finds you doing well.

Re: Share a cuppa?

It is so hot outside
Waiting for this storm to roll through