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Share a cuppa?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello@oaktree , I only just saw the email. Some sane emails go in my junk folder. I missed out on a cuppa.  Hope everyone is keeping warm tonight. It's cold here in Tassie.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi I made a post Monday night because my sane email emails are going to my spam folder and I missed the notification. I wanted to join in the cuppa thread @Oaktree


Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @sheba30 


The tagging didn’t work in your first post. 
Nevermind I would be delighted to make you a cuppa.

What will you be having?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Has anyone on Sane heard of the tall poppy syndrome? 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Oaktree online communication is confusing for me. I always think there is something wrong with what I am saying when I don't get notification.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yes I have heard of tall poppy syndrome @sheba30 

We Aussie’s don’t seem to like tall poppy’s 

Re: Share a cuppa?

  • Quick response..every body has the right express authenticity.. some people don't like it...but I encourage it

Re: Share a cuppa?

Mind games is it.  Lovely accepting bunch of ppl ...trying to elicit a reaction. Let's politely leave it at that shall we.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yes @sheba30 


Everyone has the right to be their authentic selves for sure

Re: Share a cuppa?

The psychological bill of rights on my fridge...I follow them every day to guide me and help helps to know what our rights are ..and to express that right.

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