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Share a cuppa?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Been since my childhood since I had HP sauce @TAB 

From my recollection it’s a little bit spicy 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I wouldnt call it hot, goes well with sausages tho @Oaktree 

Re: Share a cuppa?



I got bothered to make dinner.

Boiling potatoes for mash and have onions frying with garlic, balsamic vinegar and herbs. Next I need to cook the garlic and herb sausages

Re: Share a cuppa?



Re: Share a cuppa?

thats a pretty good fry pan @Oaktree  ?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah it works well @TAB 

Think we bought it at Aldi

Re: Share a cuppa?

i still get the better non stick ones, but would like a heavier one one day @Oaktree 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Well @TAB 

Dinner was nice and once I got going wasn’t really much trouble to make. In my head it was a much bigger ordeal 

Re: Share a cuppa?

always a bonus @Oaktree 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Oaktree 🙂

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