Re: Share a cuppa?

@Former-Member , @Patches59 

If I kneel I find it very hard to get up again  now 

Not applicable

Re: Share a cuppa?

I’m sorry to hear that @Shaz51 💜🫂🌺

It’s so difficult having bad knees..I haven’t knelt or squatted down since 2017, when I had the knee replacement which didn’t work. 
I’ve had 7 surgeries on that particular knee, and waiting for number 8 for the revision replacement 🙂🌺

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yum @Spirit_Healer , those things look nice. I think I've tried them before. But I couldn't finish it because it was really big.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Sorry to hear @Former-Member @Shaz51 

Over the years I’ve dislodged my kneecap multiple times, broke the back of one knee cap and damaged the cartilage as part of a fall many years ago plus have multi-compartmental OA.  I have muscle strengthening exercises which I do at home which have been set by my physio. 

in a 2 bedroom unit one would think it hard to misplace things …. Wrong.  Need to get replacement for pathology tests due to one med that I take at night


Is on cold side, sun is shining though.


hoping everyone has a good day

Not applicable

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @Patches59 🙂🌺🫂

thank you 💜🙂

oh - that sounds painful..I hope the exercises are helping ☺️🌺

Bone on bone got too painful - I decided to have a replacement, when it was starting to grind up bone into the joint space, but if it wasn’t like that I would’ve stayed with the arthritis instead of having the replacement that didn’t work, and now needing another one. The metal is fragmenting, which isn’t so good.  I should’ve done more research before I had it done, in terms of rejection 🙂 

Anyway, these things tend to happen I guess 🌺


I totally understand regarding misplacing things! I hope you can get a replacement pathology request with relative ease 💜🌺🙂


sun shining here also, quite a nice day. 
I hope you have a nice afternoon 🙂🌺

@Shaz51 🙂🌺

Re: Share a cuppa?

hello and hugs @Former-Member , @Patches59 , @tyme , @Spirit_Healer , @Abner , @Oaktree , @Jacques , @Dimity , 


having soo many aches and pains, doctor is not sure where they are all coming from , there is the kidney, diabetes, arthritis, if I do something I pay for it for days later 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello @Shaz51 - this sounds like it would be very difficult, especially with the docs unsure of where the aches and pains are stemming from.

I'm sorry to hear that when you do something, you pay for it days later. While my mental and physical health issues are different from yours, to some extent I can understand this notion and I know it is not comfortable... What can you do in these times with such great pain? How do you manage this?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hugs @Shaz51 sorry to hear,  pain is so draining and major joint issues like @Former-Member @Patches59 would be tough. 

Maybe a long warm soak in a bath with radox bath salts would help a little. At night I find my electric blanket or a hot water bottle helps... it's colder here in the south.



Re: Share a cuppa?

While my mental and physical health issues are different from yours, -- can I ask about yours only if you want to share @PizzaMondo 


Just to take it easy , and I spoke to the Kidney  dietician and she thinks it is because of all the toxins going around the body that is causing these other problems soo she suggested to drink more water , less salt, less protein 

having to remember to book a bone density scan soon which the diabetes specialist wants



Re: Share a cuppa?

@Dimity , how did you go with your dietician my friend xx