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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @Shaz51 🙂🌺

how’s your evening going? 
I hope you and Mr Shaz are both doing ok 🙂

Along with Shaz’s words, @Oaktree  🙌🏻☺️🌺

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @Meowmy 🙂🌺

Thank you kindly, I really appreciate that 💜☺️

I hope you’re having a nice evening 🙂

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Former-Member @Bow @Meowmy @Shaz51 @Adge 


Good evening friends. @Former-Member 

How are you finding the peer role? Have you recently started or been at it for a while? I have only recently spotted you around. Thanks on behalf of the community for taking on this voluntary role.

How are you and Mr Shaz @Shaz51 , how has your weekend been? Has Mr Shaz got any appointments tomorrow?



Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member Driving in the country is something that I've not done in over 10 years.

I do enjoy the country scenery.

I have been doing Yoga Classes once & twice every week, for over 12 years now.

Would not go without it - feel a big loss, if I do.

What put a big Spanner in the Works was Covid - Shutting down my Yoga Academy, where I had been doing all my classes for 9 years.

It's been a Bumpy Road just trying to find regular yoga classes since then, at accessible times.

Then I joined the nearby Council's Leisure Centres (Pool & Gym etc) late last year, which has proved very cost-effective for doing Yoga classes, giving me a few classes at different Centres to choose from.

Even though I would never use their Gyms (no thanks), & have not yet used any of the Leisure Centre Pools.


Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member Yes it's still hot here - It only cooled down to about 33C last night.

I have not had any suggestions of other types of supports available, from the MIFWA Peer Support Worker.

Perhaps they are not aware of any.

I shall see if the one's you mentioned - SafeHavens & eFriend are available here in WA (or any mention of them).

I could certainly do with something Continuous with a Longer Support time.

Especially as I am about to start a New Job (not sure how that will go) - Which usually puts strain on me with existing conditions (Complex PTSD, etc).


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Re: Share a cuppa?

I’m finding it really new @Oaktree 🙂 ..lots to learn about conversing online (this is my first forum), and still finding my feet a bit 🙂🌺

Other than that I am feeling a vibe that’s positive, supportive, and genuinely caring - all values that resonate with me 💜🙂

I finished the Peer Guide modules just before Christmas, then I did a bit of review and reflection (making sure I really understood the content), and when SANE was officially back at work, my cohort and I started up on the forum.. I think I’ve been on here for 2-3 weeks now 🙂

Thanks heaps Meggle, it’s a privilege to be a part of this community, and I hope I can help people by standing alongside them and sharing the value of what I’ve learned from lived and living experiences 💜🙂🌺

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Re: Share a cuppa?

If you’d like @Adge , next time I can take a couple of scenery pics and post them..? 🌺😎

Im in NSW, and I go visit scenic places that have older outdoor architecture like old dams, old buildings, etc 🙂


Sounds like yoga is super helpful 🌺🙂

Yes covid unfortunately changed a lot of things, although it sounds like the accessibility through the Council’s leisure centres is really working out well with the variety of locations and options 🌺🙂




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Re: Share a cuppa?

I hope it gets much cooler tonight @Adge 🙂


Yes, I’m not sure what is available in the different states, however it may be worth asking MIFWA if they have knowledge of any other services, to support as you commence the new job. Maybe your job has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that could help with that? And I hope this isn’t being intrusive in any way.. Please feel free to let me know if it’s helpful or not so helpful 🙂🌺 

Re: Share a cuppa?



In general we are a pretty friendly bunch of consumers here at Sane! Occasionally there is a little bit of aggro if people are unwell but those interactions are rare and the peer support workers and moderators pull it up pretty quickly and sort things out. Generally they check in with emails to the various parties. I love it here at Sane. I have made some good friends over the years that I have been here. I miss people when they leave for a time but I like to think that they are well. Sometimes people resurface. 


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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Oaktree  yes indeed ☺️🌺

it’s very nice to read your post, as it’s very reassuring as a new member 💜

In the training to become a Peer Guide, we covered how to support someone who wasn’t going so well, and how to get some help through our PSW’s and moderators, and message is a lovely confirmation of that process 🙂🙌🏻

I kind of think that if someone doesn’t feel so good then there may indeed be some interaction changes, however the thing I try to keep in mind is that sometimes there’s limited places for someone to express what’s happening with them, and maybe they don’t have any other place to do so (even if it isn’t so friendly), and then in those instances, we can pass on to our PSW’s and moderators who can then kick into a higher gear and support as needed, leaving us to continue to support each other as we usually do, if that makes sense? 🌺🙂

it’s also lovely to read you’ve made some great friends here, and I agree that hopefully if someone isn’t on the site after a time that it’s because things have improved for them 🌺