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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Former-Member it's beautiful, and even with a marshmallow! Lucky me! You're so kind ❤️ 


And @Former-Member, so proud that you're learning to navigate those triggers. It's a learning process and will take time. Be gentle on yourself and take the time you need. 


Are there specific things you do when you're feeling triggered to help calm yourself?

Re: Share a cuppa?

I just finished reading “I am Malala” which was an amazing read @Former-Member 

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Re: Share a cuppa?



 Hoping your day is going well??

Re: Share a cuppa?

Welcome @Christheart 


@Former-Member I struggle to make friends too. I only have two real life friends and I only see one of those regularly. The other one is super busy but she checks in via messenger every once in a while. I am a member of a Church but I don’t often go. I struggle with motivation to do anything. I have a few people at the Church with which I could probably pursue more meaningful relationships with. Maybe I will try inviting myself over for a cuppa. 😁



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Re: Share a cuppa?

Glad you enjoyed it @Eve7 

My mind is all over the place with everything that’s going on here. I used to love reading. Not lately. I switch off with Netflix. 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Two is better than none. @Oaktree 
Yes, do invite yourself out for lunch/coffee with them. 
I was involved in church most of my life. Didn’t work out well at all.

Re: Share a cuppa?



My day was.... not without its struggles and mental torments... but I think I dealt with it really well today. And have lit the fire and had a shower.... so I'm pleased with that 🙏 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Cuppa time for you @BlueBay   


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Re: Share a cuppa?

That’s good @Christheart  I have to have a shower every day to feel normal. And also have to put make on, even though I don’t go out much. Lately, not at all. 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi! Herr @TAB  
