Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB . I’m really sorry you’re going through a rough period right now and that I haven’t been around the forums for a while. I just want you to know that I care about you and that you are a great person.


I’m very glad you have listed some people in your plan about what to do about the alcohol issue you’re having and that you have some ideas about what can be of assistance. Have you tried reaching out to an alcohol specific service or specialist in your state or area to see if they can be of assistance to you? Maybe contact your local health service as another option? My housemate is doing a Tafe course on alcohol and other drugs and suggested the advice I listed so I’m hoping they may be of some assistance? I know that addiction is hard to deal with and get on top of - speaking from someone who got addicted to a medication at a mental health facility many years ago and had to learn new methods and coping strategies to overcome it - but I did get there and therefore, I believe you can do this as well with the right help and support. You’ve already started the process by listing things you can do to try and help you and I’m proud of you for this. You just need to find a way of enacting your plan and taking the next step. 


Take care, forum friend.


Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Judi9877  sort of feeling uncomfortable about sharing now , tbh .

I appreciate your thoughts and input from friend.

What I end up doing will be down to me.

re 'alcohol specific' places , been there, done that , like 20 years ago, but thanks. most of ones I used to know or had been to no longer exist. I am not sure if there is any real help for alcoholics who are not children or poly drug users or both these days tho.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB 

Thanks for replying to my message. Please don’t be worried about sharing your problem. A problem shared is a problem halfed as the old saying goes. All I did was offer you some suggestions and I know that in the end, you have to make your own decisions and choices as to what is best for you and your situation. You are the expert in your life and I respect that 100%. Just know that I will support you and respect your choices.


Take care.


Re: Good Morning!


Re: Good Morning!

sorry if I said wrong things @Judi9877 

Re: Good Morning!

Keep a cool head, @TAB.

Re: Good Morning!

All's well here, @creative_writer. I hope the same for you.

Re: Good Morning!

Sorry to read all has not been well for you, @saturnzoon. I hope you are able to turn the corner soon.

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello there @saturnzoon 💜🌺🫂

im sorry to hear things aren’t going so well for you lately😔🫂

I hope the appointment with the psychiatrist goes well on Wednesday, and they can help you. Do you think taking a list of symptoms, how they are affecting you, and the changes you need would be helpful? 
I tend to do that with my doc, and it does tend to help her see the things that are happening very clearly, in columns, with those three aspects as headings. 
hoping to be helpful - however please feel free to disregard if this isn’t something that might work for you 💜🌺🙂

please don’t worry about keeping up with all posts - just take good care, and do what works for you 🫂

Go gently and sitting with you, sending you care and hugs 🫂💜🌺🙂


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Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten  very much agree. 
I used to go into even more debt to do my pracs while studying, but the prac would include a pretty much normal therapists workload after the first few days - very advantageous for the workplace to get cheap labour, but then I found out that the placements were paying the university for the privilege of having students at their location… so being the nosy busybody student I started asking why the students weren’t provided with any stipend, to which I received zero replies, along with metaphorical frowns on my behaviour which could have ‘consequences’.. ie I might not pass my prac units for tipping up the apple cart. There’s very few industries that get paid for sending someone out to do a job, whom don’t pay that person who does the job, while holding something they need as ransom…