Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming Oh true!! Does that mean you can get a hammock now? 😝

Re: Does anyone want to talk

No I still don’t trust my kids lol @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahaha legit @ArraDreaming gotta control SOME of the chaos 🤣

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I have limited control around here @Jynx we’re outnumbered we do what we can
Im fairly sure at one point all 3 of my kids were riding something with wheels today inside the house

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Ahaha @ArraDreaming true. OMG lol we used to get yelled at for riding scooters or roller blades in the house. Honestly dunno how my parents did it - they had 3 as well! 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

There are stray socks, and Random cheerios EVERYWHERE
Tonight I caught my daughter hand feeding the dog dirt from a pot plant

Re: Does anyone want to talk

True chaos @ArraDreaming hahaha reminds me of this cartoon dog we all relate to so much: 




Haha omg was your dog actually eating it?!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah she was eating it!! @Jynx 😐
Oh and lets not forget they have no sense of like being able to read a room while all this is happening one of the kids had been yapping non stop for what felt like 45 mins about Steve Irwin and the other one was asking for if the pies I hadnt even put in the oven were ready…
holy smokes people just wait a second @Jynx
Gotta love it

Re: Does anyone want to talk

🤣 @ArraDreaming I mean at least you'll never be bored, right? 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Spot on @Jynx what ar you up to tomorrow