Re: Cook Along

Hey all, I just found this recipe and thought I'd share if that's okay. Its for choc banana muffins. @tyme @Birdofparadise8 @Shaz51 @Glisten 

Let me know if you try, if I do I'll do same 🤗



Re: Cook Along

Sounds 👍 good @ENKELI 

@Oaktree , @Glisten , @Ainjoule , @tyme , @Jynx 

Re: Cook Along

@Shaz51 thanks for adding the people I missed, you are wonderful ❤️ 

Re: Cook Along

Oh, those muffins sound amazing!! @ENKELI @Shaz51 

Re: Cook Along

@Ainjoule @Shaz51 @ENKELI @Glisten @tyme @Birdofparadise8 @PizzaMondo @Jynx @sheba30 @Judi9877 


Hey guys,

I am experimenting with baking focaccia bread today. I have just made two mixes. One to raise quickly at room temperature and the other one to do a slow rise overnight in the fridge. Wait and see which one turns out better.

Re: Cook Along

Hello@oaktree, I love foccacia bread..I am keen to know how it turns u have a bread maker? My dad years ago had one and used to make amazing bread.

Re: Cook Along



No breadmaker, but this recipe is super simple and doesn’t need kneading. I used to have a bread maker and may consider buying another one. Problem is that I don’t really have anywhere to store it

Re: Cook Along

Hey @Oaktree 


Sounds like a very interesting experiment! Also sound delicious, let us know how it goes.  

Re: Cook Along

Hello @Oaktree I just looked at the link u provided and I didn't know u could bake your own foccacia bread...exciting..I hope yrs turns out...

Re: Cook Along

@sheba30 @Ainjoule @ENKELI @Shaz51 @Glisten @PizzaMondo @Jynx @Birdofparadise8 


Focaccia bread is on its second rise. Just need to leave it half an hour. I went and picked fresh rosemary from my garden to put on top. I am excited! I really hope it works out.