New Contributor


I’m new; hey! 

I have bipolar type 1 now in remission but my panic disorder is not! It’s a daily sometimes hourly struggle. It can be so hard to keep going when I’m exhausted from fighting. I also have two children on the autism spectrum and one with an anxiety disorder. 

Hope to chat to you all and get some tips on living with panic! 

Community Guide

Re: Hello!

hello @Princess-Bear and welcome to the forum

how are you today

remember you are not alone by friend , keep chatting here always helps

Not applicable

Re: Hello!

Hello @Princess-Bear, welcome to the Forums.

I imagine your three kids keep you busy – it sounds like a lot to manage when you are already feeling exhausted. There are lots of other Forum members who have experience with anxiety and panic attacks. You might like to have a read of the following threads about anxiety and panic:


Topic Tuesday: Talking about anxiety
Feel free to take a look around and add your thoughts. You can also introduce yourself here. And we have some social spaces where you can discuss anything from baby animals to gardening or just have a general chat 

Welcome once again @Princess-Bear, I look forward to seeing more of you Smiley Happy