Re: Disability employment services

Hello Ma60

I also have had these issues and was originally set to be put to work 30plus hours, I asked centrelink for a job capacity assessment which found me unable to work for less than 8 hours per week, these job service providers really can be very mean, here is a link to some information on how they should deal with those with mental illness.

Re: Disability employment services

today I had an appointment with a job services provider who said my exemption to looking for work from the job capacity assesment had run out and they had to get me to look for fulltime work, I do not understand how they can do this without asking for evidence from your psychiatrist that you are fit for work, I had a letter with me from my psychiatrist stating I could not work, she rang centrelink and they arranged for me to see a disbility employment service, after reading the stories in this thread I am worried that I will be put through the ringer with them. I am a tradesman and had my own business, but I just can not work anymore, there is little emphisis from centrelink on getting you better or relying on expert opinion as to your ability to work. its just a numbers game.

Re: Disability employment services

That's why Get Better since March I have lived on Medical Certificates.There was nothing there to cater for me.You can get as many medical certificates as you like they told me.I still look for work.Where they expect you to get work I don't know and only you know if you can do it.After being long term unemployed with anxiety and depression and the hopelessness of my job efforts I can't put myself under any pressure and can't jump through hoops to satisfy the requirements.I haven't been well enough.I don't know how these job search agencies are accountable.I have a group interview tomorrow but I dread the rejection then if I get the job worry about doing the job.I worked for 20 years at the same place before my life went downhill,4 years ago you had your own business.They should consider our work history in assessments.Surely it shows we didn't set out to be bludgers or mentally ill people.I would do anything to not have 4 years living on the system,and have money from full time work.I live in a small town there aren't 20 jobs a month to apply for,I moved to a city in September last year,sat on my tablet for hours applying for jobs,by Xmas I was back to being a depressed wreck from the hopelessness and rejection.The medical certificates take a lot of crap off my shoulders,because I just can't deal with it,and I am the best judge of my situation.

Re: Disability employment services

Hello Li1

I had medical certificates for 12 months then they stop accepting them, they say they are only for temporary illness, after that they put me on 30 plus hours a week, I rang centrelink complaints and they set up a job capacity assessment which exempt me from working for 6 months, now they want me to work 15hrs a week or do some courses, no asking for my doctors reports and in the job capacity assessment I was told no need to bring reports,so if you have one make sure you take as much information from your doctors you can,  but how does someone see you for a half hour and determine after 6 months you will be suitable for work, are they really that cruel. I struggled for 12 months before going on centrelink borrowing money etc, I did not want to go on it, like you said we have worked hard for many years. to treat mentally ill people like this is cruel and dangerous, I just got my mum to hide my pills, because this has caused such stress.

Another thing Li1 how do you manage to live on the centrelink payments, I live with my mum and a lot of cost goes in medical expenses, my tablets up until we changed a month ago where not on the pbs and I will be going back to them soon, I don't know how others do it.

Re: Disability employment services

I can't live on it getbetter,as one who used to have a chequebook,when working,and could pay bills.Now I'm mentally worse from struggle Street.When I finished work I too had to use funds before I walked into centreline because they told me I had money in the bank.I was really angry at the time over this because I never had kids,knew women who were getting single parents pension and still living with their partners etc.I had my pride as I never been dependent.I live with my elderly mother as well,and do not like not paying my own way. My failure at getting a job has caused much hopelessness,and if I don't get a job I would rather not live as the depression gets bad.I could go on the carers pension for my mother if I no longer can stand it.The psychologist mentioned the Disability pension for me but I would rather work for my self worth.Its just so b***** hard.My depression and anxiety has been too bad since March for me to be able to walk into job agencies and have crap put on me or the "you will be right ". Where I live there isn't many jobs going and in many cases it is who you know .There's nothing worse having no control over your life,and people telling you what you should be doing when you are vulnerable.Then you find yourself in a dependency cycle which is hard to get out of.

Re: Disability employment services

I don't have good experience with disability employment services either, long story short my mental health has been deteriorating party due to pressure from them, while I'm spending my efforts to get stable metal health support in place, which was in contradition to my aggreement with centerlink, that my mental health takes priority and I would not be put under pressure if my mental health was not stable. I have spoken to centrelink and provided a new medical certificate which they told me gave me exemption from job requirements, but the employment agency are still telling me I have to look for work. I told them that I've spoken to centrelink and they tell me I am exempt from the requirements, but they tell me that I have to sort it out with centrelink? which is what I have done... breaks my head...

Re: Disability employment services

Yes I have to go and renew a medical certificate next week.Feeling down tonight had to turn down a job because as a overnight filler in a supermarket I live 25 minutes away and it was 10-2 in the morning . Couldn't guarantee it was could be 4 hrs or three or longer.I don't know if I did the right thing the internet it said 10-6am and might have just been 12 hrs a week .You didn't know.I have had a job before for four hours and the job wasn't worth it.Im not a night person and would have trouble unwinding and worry about being on the road for little promise of work. Plus you only have to be there for five minutes to know it's another workplace that you sense the workplace friction.Dont want to whinge but as I have said you wonder why you put yourself through it.The thought of being on the road in a thunderstorm etc at night for three hours work terrifies me or wearing out my car that I can't afford to replace on that wage.Whatever I do it's Hopeless.As I have moved into town I can't stand the thought of a job agency sending me a letter for an appointment as I am afraid it will be put in someone's mailbox by mistake. I feel so ashamed of my circumstances and in a small town feel humiliated enough.Just the thought of walking into a job agency or centrelink yes is a trigger for my anxiety.A medical certificate means you are not capable of job searching or meeting job search requirements.I can't find 20 jobs a month and will not put myself through that.After another fail at getting a job and trying to return to society as the taxpayer,and applying for jobs, my main concern is keeping me safe  from the darkness and distress I have had for months.Lostboy don't let them get you down. Trouble is that we are so vulnerable and boy,do we know it.Wish I never had a breakdown four years ago....ruined me.

Re: Disability employment services

@Lostboy @Former-Member

I have heard how the employment agency and Centrelink to and fro the responsibility to each other. A suggestion might be to get the employment agency to speak directly with Centrelink so there is a better understanding and communication of your situation. I understand that working late at night can cause issues with your mental health. Never feel pressured to do a job that will jeopardise your health. Health comes first. Try find a job that is suited to your health. It takes time and sometimes you won't fit in the first few jobs. Don't give up, it takes patience and sometimes it's hard to wait for the right opportunity. 

It may seem hopeless at the moment but you have taken steps to ensure your safety. Keep your chin up and try to stay positive.

Re: Disability employment services

 Thanks Jem80.

The only thing I am relieved about is I have faced my anxiety over the dentist after a dentist telling me in April I needed a tooth out,no explanation or information.Put up with pain since  not being  able to go back and get it out and having major depression and anxiety.After three x-rays with another dentist,still got it see how it goes,had filling in another tooth otherwise dentist said they are good.One who always worries how they look and know this year has taken its toll on my health.I sold the family farm to get my own life as my mother never let me live a life or do directed mine,get away from my mother,move somewhere closer to employment.Moved Mum into town ,I moved away,couldnt get work had bad neighbours who caused a lot of distress through bad antisocial behavior,moved back with my mother in a small minded town where I know everyone from working in it and going to school in.I lost the farm which I had a big garden for nothing,stuck adjusting to a life with a small garden and the humiliation of being a bludger.On the farm I had my privacy.You see in times like these it all snowballs,and reality hits and I really wonder why I bother.Its alright for those "know all's"in the media or government bureaucrats or those who delightfully brag about their job to you ,or the job agencies telling you to keep positive.I have done everything from changing my life to believing some mental health nurse or psychologist that it will get better.No matter what I do it doesn't.Thats why I have been on medical certificates,Im been no good to anyone through the trauma I have endured in trying to get a life back.I apply for jobs I'm not using medical certificates to get out of employment.You are right,I think today when I was at the interview,I knew it wasn't for me,trouble is I don't know where I will ever fit in again.


Re: Disability employment services


It sounds like you have had quite the journey. I have found from my own experiences to feel less like a "bludger" I have found other ways to commit myself to less stressful work. For example I never went back to work straight away. I started volunteering first to give myself a taste of "work" and to get comfortable within myself and to assess my health and how I was coping. Then I moved back into the workforce.

Volunteering is seen favourable by employers because you are proactive. The good thing about volunteering is that you can generally have a flexible arrangement. It helps build your recovery slowly rather than the full thrust of rejoining the workplace.

Have you considered trying to develop your own "space" to get use to the changes from a farm to a smaller environment?

A suggestion would be to create a space and a routine for yourself. Keep it small and do it regularly. For example it might be making the bed, having breakfast with a special cup to have tea or coffee and sitting outside for about 10 minutes to relax or sit inside in a special spot or chair. The idea is to trying and create your own sense of belonging and your privacy. By doing a small routine you become accustom to your environment and then progress onto something bigger.