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Disability employment services

Had my first appt. this week with a DES provider on Monday. My mental health problems are triggered by workplace environments (bullying etc.) I don't know what information Centrelink sent them but suicide was mentioned. The consultant stated suicide was selfish. For someone who struggles with suicide thoughts and plans I did not need to hear this. I had a letter from both my Psychitarist and GP about my work readiness etc. They are both concerned about my working. The consultant did not want to read it. Wrote job plan - look for 12 jobs and come back in two weeks. I thought these providers were meant to help. I asked about references and what to do? No help by consultant. This particular provider is meant to specialise in mental health. 

I left the appt. feeling like ....  I have made an appt. to see Social worker at Centrelink next week. Not feeling well at the moment


Re: Disability employment services

If the consultant said "suicide is selfish" then he/she should be looking for another job. 😞

Re: Disability employment services

Hi @Ma60

I'm so appalled that they said that to you. That's a very 'old fashioned' view to have on suicide and it shows this person did not have any understanding whatsoever!

I know you may not feel up to it, but you could complain. If they are a mental health specific employment service, I think be particularly interested to hear how inappropriate their employee was.

I'm really glad you've taken action and are seeing a social worker next week. I hope that is a better experience for you.



Re: Disability employment services

Been a disability employment services they should be acutely aware that the people that they are receiving. I was fortunate enough to have a supportive worker. I did have a rather pushy worker for a short period of time. I would be filing a complaint with Centrelink and the Disability Employment Services themselves, you do have that right to do so. Find another service or worker if you are required for a compulsory activity such as the Disability Employment Services. Perhaps get someone to come along with you to the Centrelink appointment for support.

Re: Disability employment services

@Ma60. Well done for making an appointment with the Centre link social worker. This is what I needed to do. Take all your papers to this appointment.
If your psychiatrist ang gp are worried about your readiness for returning to work - they can fill in a CentreLink No Capacity For Work - Medical Certificate. My gp does this for me.
I have two job employment agencies. 1 through WorkCover & 1 through CentreLink. I have left the CentreLink job search in tears. Being bullied about having no capacity to work or study. I swore my head off at her and walked out. Then my gp wrote a letter to CentreLink - so that I wouldn't loose my part pension. And yes- this was also a disability job search. But they have quotas to fill.
Let your gp and psychiatrist know what happened. I'm sure they will give you a certificate.
And I'm sorry you had to go through this. Unfortunately it's quite common.
Keep your head up and fight for your rights

Re: Disability employment services

I will be making a complaint about what was said. Wrote down some notes to take  when I see the Social Worker at Centrelink next week. I will take it further if I have to. Have appt. with my Psychitarist next week, he is concerned about the type of workplace environment due to what happened at my previous workplace. 


Re: Disability employment services

@Ma60. I got sick from my workplace too. Hence I'm on WorkCover. I've been working with my psychologist on what type of work place will be safe for me & the right boss.
I'm feeling more confident that I will find the right workplace. But I have had to realise thatI ccannot do what I used to. I've come to accept this. I'm fearful but excited to re enter the workforce.
Continue with your therapy. Don't rush back into working before you are ready.
I wish you well

Re: Disability employment services

That is appauling and its not your fault.  I hope things turn out for you.

There has to be a way for you to get help that you need.  The Disability Support Pension?  

Get on top of your treatment plan, your meds and your medical support and then maybe do the job hunt.  Work is tough enough without this illness.   There has to be answers for you and sufferers like us.

You are very brave.  Good on you.

Re: Disability employment services

meeting today at Centrelink with social worker. Ended up been a phone call  (social worker I was meant to see was sick). The person I spoke to is going to act on my behalf with the DES provider. She also got copies of my latest Doctors reports. She was empathic and listened to what I had to say in between my tears. Hoping to hear back in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I will be seeing my Psychitarist .

Re: Disability employment services

It's good to hear that the other person was not only empathetic but will act on your behalf. It will eleviate the pressure for you.

Debrief with your psychiatrist. Let her know how it went and what happened.