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A depressed schizophrenic

My symptoms are worse today. I am feeling so down and psychotic. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. Normally I am a high functioning person considering a dual diagnosis. I am not coping today. I feel overwhelmed with responsibility. A mother of a young child. Thank god my partner is home today. Wanted to take myself to the hospital. Hoping a good night's sleep will fix me up! Feeling so tired. Exhausted. Drained. Empty inside. Sick of financial problems and praying for a winning ticket.


Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Hi @metamind

Sorry to hear you're not having a good day.
I think you have the right idea take it easy tonight and try and get some rest.


Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Early years of raising a family have so many issues. You probably are doing a fantastic job.

I hope sharing on the forum helps a bit ... the good the bad and the ugly

Gentleigh Bentleigh

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Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Hi there @metamind

A very warm welcome to the forums from myself it's lovely to meet you 🙂

You seem to be going through a really tough time with feelings of exhaustion and you even wrote empty inside, they are some really big emotions to be dealing with I can't imagine how hard that would be for you at the moment. I am glad your partner is there to offer some help, are you also getting support from a counsellor at all?

There is a lot going on your life with your children, money and on top of this some mental health concerns, no wonder you are left feeling so overwhelmed, I am wondering if you are looking after yourself in all of this? How is your self-care routine? I hope you got some rest, here for you.

Lunar x

Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Thank you kindly for your reponse.

It was a really rough night. Feeling much better now.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with responisbility with my daughter, trying to hold a job and keeping up with house work.

I am truly grateful for my partner. We may have our moments, but he's great.

I see a mental health care worker once a fortnight and a psychiatrist once every six months. I'm also part of a mental health community, and we go to gym on Monday's.


Re: A depressed schizophrenic

So I'm a writer and I also work in the events industry.

I've published three books, the first being a collection of poems.

I'm an online editor of several sites at hub garden.....which doesn't pay much, but I love it.

It's schizophrenia awareness week next month, and I have applied to perform a poem at a nearby event.

I am embracing my mental illness. I am working towards feeling better.

As much as I hate the weight gain from medication, I know how bad I feel without it.

I have recently completed a Masters of Metaphysical Science.

I wrote my thesis on the Chakras and Mental Health.

I'm a qualified and practicing Chakradance Facilitator, and am running workshops for a local mental health community group.

My partner and I are just getting by. With high rent to pay each month, we don't have savings.

I just wish I was more financially successful.

Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Welcome to the forum @metamind

I found the concepts of chakras essential for my survival.Smiley Happy

You seem to have a lot to offer the world, and seem focussed and committed to share.

IMHO this world is pretty skewed in terms of values and distribution of resources. 

There are lots of great people here.

Smiley Happy

Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Hi. I have had schizodepressive disorder since I was 38. I am a sole parent of three older children. I am trying to hold down a job which is really hard. I just came out of yet another psychosis. My psychosis is always hard because I really do think that what is happening is real. I feel like I have gone through twelve years of murder mystery. That being the root of my psychosis and catatonic state. How do others feel.

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Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Hi @metamind and everyone 🙂

Schizophrenia Awareness Week is kicking off this Saturday and SANE is shining the spotlight on the illness. Check out our latest factsheets and real stories as told by people with schizophrenia.

Also be sure to check out Topic Tuesday to talk about living with schizophrenia, where we will be joined by Hannah, who is featured in SANE's Schizophrenia Awareness Week campaign.


Not applicable

Re: A depressed schizophrenic

Hi @metamind. I have schizoaffective disorder, mostly characterised by melancholy depression and psychosis. I have 2 kids and am a sole parent. While my kids are older than yours I'm guessing, parenting with a mental illness is tiring, to say the least. I get by with sleeping lots - well as much as I can - to offset the sedating effects of the meds. I plan a lot. I have a busget in excel spreadsheets and I plan for shopping to save money. I pay high rent but am still managing to save a little. I've done this by cutting out some stuff, bargain shopping, buying big items second hand etc. My biggest battle has been acceptance of my mental illness. I'm still learning self acceptance and it helps me to understand that I can't do everything. I do my best and that's all we can do. You're going through a difficult time until your children /child becomes more independent. I hope you enjoy watching them grow and take care of yourself well. It's the best we can do
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