Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

Hi all @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 

Yes I spoke to soon.  He is out of hostpital and not well again.  Started smoking again and destroying his home when there is no smoke (mariguana).  I am unable to get through to him.  I have to walk away for however long it takes as im exhausted now and I feel I have done all I can.  I tied of repairing his home only for him to smash it up again.  I spoke to the people in the mental health services and said Im out.  They were great and I didnt feel bad maybe sad but not bad.  My son told me today dont come back anymore, my response was dont worry I f..... wont I lost it through my tears of heartache watching him destroy his life is just way too much pain.  Im out guys and girls for awhile im just out.

Ill maybe keep intouch with you all but it way way too sad for me today anyway.  Tears are falling down my face as I write to you all.  Love and friendship all from Time xx

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Re: Maybe i spoke to soon


It is heartbreaking to see someome we love self destruct; living grief. 


Can I gently encourage you to keep up with that self care, get some healing for your own soul. You might find seeing a counselor beneficial to help you work through these things.


I hope one day the time will come when your son is amenable to getting help and will want to repair broken relationships. 

Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

@Former-Member Thank you.  When im over the tears I may get some help.  ATM im way to sad heartbroken.  I think maybe walking away will be the best thing ive ever done.  Its obvious to me now I love him way more than he will ever know and its not resipricol.  Thanks for your suggestions my friend.  Time

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Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

Shoulder and tissues on standby here if needed @Time  

Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

@Former-Member Bless and thanks friend.

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Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

I'm sorry to read this @Time. You were hoping for a turn for the better and it's not easy to be supportive when it feels like things are not changing. Knowing your limits and when to take a step back is important. Make use of supports like Carers Australia if you do feel like you want to talk to someone in more depth. They do offer 6 free counselling sessions.

Take care of yourself

Re: Maybe i spoke to soon

ohhh sending you lot of tender hugs @Time HeartHeart

we are sitting with you

@Former-Member, @Boo13, @Former-Member