Casual Contributor

Boyfriend gone off medication

Hi, this is my first time posting on here and the first time I am reaching out for support. My partner suffers from some very traumatic childhood experiences and has never dealt with them. He doesn't want to talk to a professional about these experiences because he thinks they will think he is crazy and will put him back on medication. He has had many suicide attempts prior to our relationship. Since we have been together I have witnessed him in a state of psychosis a couple of times and it was awful. He believed that I was against him and that I was involved with people from his past who had hurt him. Some of the stories that he has told me sound very unbelievable and extremely hard for me to comprehend. I have listened to him and suggested that he get support from a professional, but he thinks that they won't believe him. He has been put in a psych ward a few times in his life, one of them only being about 6 months ago or a bit less than, after a psychosis episode that I sadly witnessed. There was no formal diagnosis that I am aware of, although he did mention something about thinking he may have bipolar. He was really good a while after he started his medication, and had been up until he recently stopped taking his medication about 2 months ago. He has been fighting bad thoughts in his head, hearing people say things to him, and has become extremely obsessive with religion,  reading the bible out aloud, and all day every day listening to Christian radio and preaching to me about Jesus. He even made me to go to church with him. It's seriously becoming too much for me to handle alone anymore. Last night he started blaming me for having a conversation with someone I knew nothing about and saying that I was part of the group that was out to get him. I almost walked out because the look in his eyes and his facial expressions, looked exactly the same as when he last had a psychosis episode and the things he was saying were along similar lines. The things he had said were nasty and just not anything thay would normally come from his mouth. His converation was all over the shop and very far fetched and hard to believe. He has this thing for wanting to help others, to the point where it has also become very obsessive and taking over his life. He is selling or giving away everything he owns and is putting others first. I understand that people should help others, but nothing their means. We only had $100 left the other week for food and fuel for me to get to work, and he spent $70 on a wheelchair and walking frame from the thrift store. I was beside myself, because it was not a necessity for ourselves or anyone in either of our families. When I asked him why? He said that he planned to give it to someone in need. His behaviours have changed dramatically since stopping his medication, and its just not him. He is normally a very loving and affectionate partner, but he has distanced himself from me since stopping the medication. It can't be good for him stopping suddenly without any medical support in doing so I would imagine. But how can I tell him this and get him to go see someone for help. I want to help him because I love him, but he is pushing me away. I don't know what to do??? He is also telling me that Jesus comes first. He is so up and down, I just can't cope anymore!! Please help!! Has anyone else experienced this or know where or how I can get support? There is so much more I can write  but it's so hard to explain everything that he says has happened and that is going on in his head!


Re: Boyfriend gone off medication

@TideisTurning @Thyme are you able to help with resources?

@Allie711 , I am so sorry you and your partner are going through this. You are so strong and brave to seek help. It definitely sounds like stopping the medication has had a detrimental effect on your partner.  I understand you love him and want to help him but please put your safety first. Is there any possibility he may hurt you if he is going through an episode? It sounds like he may have schizophrenia as well? 


You are in the right place for support. Have you spoken to your GP about this to get you some help? What absolutely his family? Are they aware and can they help? 

Sending you healing hugs and strength 🫂

Re: Boyfriend gone off medication

@Healandlove thank you for responding to my post, I truly appreciate it!! Yes I agree that him stopping his medication has had a detrimental affect on him, but unfortunately he can't see this and is in a state where he won't listen to my advice. I feel completely safe around him and know that he wouldn't hurt me physically. His mum knows that he isn't taking his medication and also doesn't think it's a good thing, but she has just thrown her hands in the air too. She is also very religious and is very supportive of his obsession with Jesus, which is not normal for him, so it's so hard for her to understand what I am witnessing. I haven't consulted my Dr, because I didn't think that my Dr could do anything for him. 

Re: Boyfriend gone off medication

@Allie711 I am glad that you feel safe. That is good news. It is so hard when family turns a blind eye or are in denial themselves about mental health conditions within their family. I can understand how it would be difficult to talk to his mum then if she is also very religious. Anything that is a change in character like that, for example suddenly being obsessed with religion is a watch out.

I meant if you had spoken to you Dr so they could refer you to some resources to help you in this situation.  Unfortunately we can't help those that don't want to be helped. No matter how much we love them. I think you need some strategies on how to best support him whilst keeping yourself safe and well. I'm sorry I don't know what would be the best place to start but I hope one of the more knowledgeable community members here reply soon. Sending you hugs and love. Please take care.

Re: Boyfriend gone off medication

@Healandlove, sorry I didn't get your tag earlier. 

@Allie711 ,


How are you? Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experiences. It sounds like a very difficult time for you. 


Does your boyfriend have a psychiatric triage team who you can call and talk to before it gets worse?

Re: Boyfriend gone off medication

@Healandlove not that I am aware of. He is hearing voices in his head telling him he is stupid. This morning he yelled out loudly when I was sleeping,  telling them not so politely to go away, which frightened me and made me wake up screaming in fright. I've tried telling him that he needs to go see someone about hearing voices because it's not normal to hear these voices in your head. He just tells me that I don't understand and believes that 20 years ago someone did something to him in hospital which makes him hear voices, things on the radio and he gets an itch to tell him to do or think a certain way. He tells me it's because his dad is somehow tied up in the Mafia and that they after him because he didn't want to be part of it. It all seems very far fetched and I just don't know whether to believe any of what he has told me.