
BP carers caring alone


Hello @Dadcaringalone 

I Figure this is a new thread. A new experience for me.

I'm interested in discussing helping bi-polar family members with bi-polar/MH issues that are manageable if you know how. In my case an adult son. In particular with dads trying to navigate the available mental health system. If we are an endangered species in this affluent Australian society which is exactly how I'm feeling, something is very wrong.

I’m on the receiving end here and looking for ideas.

I have a dim view of the hospital discharge system and some thoughts on how to improve that process for all concerned. 

It has taken me two years to realise that the GP is perhaps a key coordinator of any other medical assistance that my BP son has been getting rather than uncoordinated medical assistance. We should be enjoying the footy, the outdoors and our homes without being an endangered species because we also stand by our family when they are in need.

A positive note: 

The GP involved listened! And is now paying attention.

I am advised by the GP that incoming data from the associated medical professionals is being requested and collated.

They may even be talking to each other. A starting point at last and after nearly two years of reaching out for help. Im sure the treatment process will impove as a result.



Re: BP carers caring alone


Great job setting up a new thread! Sorry for my delay in responding but work has been crazy. I recon it's an awesome job you have done. I am sure it will attract some others to the topics we are both interested in discussing.

How are things going now dwenhv?

Great job getting your GP involved! We have found that is the key. Its still critical that you keep actively involved though. Things are improving slowly with my son, we are making small stable moves. It's great he is less sedated and last night we watched a movie together and it's been many years since that has happened. We also watched the spacex nasa launch. He started cooking and he's a great cook. I take pride in these little successes which mean a great deal to me. There are still a few mood swings no and then but we are trying to go this entire week without a drama. I have found that sleeping the entire night is an important indicator for him. I'm pretty busy with work over the next few days so no need to rush a response. Take care and keep truck'n fella.


Re: BP carers caring alone

Movies are good, Netflix is a draw card that keeps things stable during the movie. We do the movie around 8pm so that sleep follows. Still A testing time here as we have to battle the courts shortly. Just a month after changes to meds so as much as they concern me I’m not game to muck about there. I’m pretty lucky personally as I refuse medication generally and remain healthy. Lake Fishing is great for him. Is Completed absorbed and occasionally brings a couple home. Cheers