Re: Averting a Disaster

@perseverer I am a big believer in back to basics.

Wonderful news. Wishing you the best with it all.


Not applicable

Re: Averting a Disaster

How are things progressing @perseverer

Re: Averting a Disaster

Hi @Former-Member, it's been a rough week, but the outcome is good, so far. Monday morning at 4:00am son G woke me up to tell me he was going to end it all. Phoned the CATT team, they said they don't do outreach (yeah, literally those words). Phoned the ambulance and they said that because he is in denial about his condition they were worried about being confrontational and the possible outcome of violence. So I had to leave the other two schizophrenics to their own devices and take him to ER.

There we waited ... and waited. Finally we were seen by the psyche team and fortunately they were able to determine a great deal just by their brief chat with son G who could hardly string two words together. They offered to do hospital in the home and son G was happy with that. 

Phone call from the hospital the next morning offering a psychologist appointment. Son G did not want to go but I talked him into it. When we got there he refused to get out of the car. So I went. They gave me a questionnaire to take to son G to fill out and hoped it might make him want to talk to them. I have never seen this particular questionnaire before. Basically, by the sound of the questions, it is to determine how psychotic you are. Son G's responses were very interesting ideed, but it did not make him want to talk, so I left him in the car and returned the questionnaire. 

Later that day who should visit us back home but the CATT team. What a difference a day makes. They were very keen to do outreach now. They had a most interesting chat with son G who was trying to conceal his behaviour but I was there to give just a little enlightenment. And just a little was more than enough to whet their appetite. They want him to go to hospital real bad. And while he is still in denial and refusing treatment they are bending over backwards to be helpful. Better late than never.

They referred son G to the Youth Team. They set up a pscyhiatric appointment. And they have given him priority clearance for admission to hospital. So basically the minute I say he needs to be forcibly treated they will take him in. Likewise, the minute he feels he would like to be examined, they will admit him on the spot. Interesting, huh?

Re: Averting a Disaster


This is insane! To say the least! I envy your coping skills and your patience. Poor kid. He must have gone through hell. How is he now and how long will he be in hospital for? How are the others coping?

Have you done any birdwatching lately? I've stopped feeding them seeds as it attracts mice. 

Hope you sleep well Heart Thinking of you and your family. 



Re: Averting a Disaster

@Grasshopper3, he is not yet in hospital. People from the hospital have been visiting us at home each day this past week and will be here again tomorrow. 

Son G is a wake up to the fact that very soon he will be admitted to the psyche ward and he is trying as hard as he can to be positive. This morning he was wearing clean clothes (though still hasn't showered). He told me that the pot plants on the driveway are making him ill, the ornaments on the sideboard in front of the light switch are making him ill and the kitchen garbage bin is making him ill. All he needs to do to be well is leave home. I sympathized with him and suggested that he can leave home as soon as he can be independent. He agreed and said he was thinking of doing bartending. I told him that was a good idea. Nothing will come of it, of course.

The hospital in the home person came late this afternoon and I gave him the run down as son G was sound asleep. He said that he only just realised who son G's brother is and all the staff on the psyche ward are talking about it. I said maybe he could get admitted to the ward when he comes up for his psyche consult on Tuesday. And the hospital guy said he would call him in as soon as a bed becomes available. One way or another, we will get him in and treated. But I am worried about son G being in denial and resisting treatment. My greatest hope is that he will gain insight into his condition.

Re: Averting a Disaster

And no, I have not been able to do any bird watching for several months. I am so stressed that I have constant diarrhoea and none of the usual remedies fix it. Plus my work schedule is insane. I am counting down the days to retirement in July to be a full time carer.

Re: Averting a Disaster

Ohhhh @perseverer, big breath my friend HeartHeart

sending ou tender hugs HeartHeart, are you able to do some self care for you , I know it is hard as I have had a very big week too


Not applicable

Re: Averting a Disaster

Is the possible move still on the cards @perseverer?

Re: Averting a Disaster

Thanks @Shaz51. Sorry about your rough week. Here's to a good day coming up for both of us.

Re: Averting a Disaster

Hi @Former-Member, yes, the move is happening. I am waiting for an approved loan to be drawn down so I can begin work on our current house to get it ready for sale. Also I will make an offer on the farmhouse. Son J is beside himself with excitement about it, son G doesn't want to go but conceded it might be necessary, and son C likewise. We are going!