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Something’s not right

Re: not coping

No not really @tyme but it doesn’t matter.

Re: not coping

Awww @outlander  ,


I'm so sorry to hear. I wish things could be better. How's everything with the house? (No pressure to answer if you don't feel up to it)

Re: not coping

Slowly getting there @tyme big job on my own.

Re: not coping

It is a big job. @outlander I wish other family members would be willing to help out, even a little.

Re: not coping

I’m going away for 2 weeks in about 6 weeks time so I’ll be expecting them to do their part while I am away @tyme

Re: not coping

I'm glad to hear @outlander . You have done so much already.


Please look after yourself.

Re: not coping

Is anyone around to talk to?

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander ! I'd love to talk to you if that's okay.


I've really missed chatting with you, but I recognise things have been tough lately.

Re: not coping

It’s nice to see you @tyme

your always welcome here. I don’t have really anyone to talk to. I know many struggle here too so I know not many can also support atm either 

Re: not coping

I always think of you and hope you are okay. As I've said, you have such a big heart. I remember you said you were going in to hospital? Is that right? And you said that your family is going to help with the moving of your pop's things? @outlander 


Am i right, or am I dreaming?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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