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Quarter Life Crisis

I'm in my early 20's now and I thought these would be my wonder years, they're filled with spikes of anxiety, eyes on me and rather than using alcohol as a way to party with my friends I've been using it as a coping mechanism without even realising it. I don't know where to put my time and effort and things that used to bring so much joy now feel like a chore. It feels like I should be travelling the world, gaining new experiences and meeting different people while saving for a house and starting a fund for my future family. I feel lost, no real sense of purpose and not sure where I belong.


Re: Quarter Life Crisis

@Isaac your experience resonates a lot with mine - in my early 20's I had no idea what to do with myself. It's actually pretty daunting to be told we're supposed to know exactly what we're gonna do for the rest of our lives when we're barely out of high school, a place where we still had to get permission to go to the bathroom. 


Most of us I think do find it difficult to figure out a pathway through life - the ones who jump straight into a career and can buy a house by the time they're 30 actually seem like outliers in my experience. 


It's good you've been able to recognise that you're using alcohol to cope. It can be really tricky to navigate - have you got much in terms of some mental health support? Turning Point are a great resource for support - you can buzz them on 1800 250 015. Or you can also buzz the SANE support line on 1800 187 263 (Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm) if you wanna chat to someone about mental health stuff. 


I hope you find what you're looking for here on the forums  💜

Re: Quarter Life Crisis

Hi @Isaac 


I can totally relate to how you are feeling at the moment.  It can almost feel like there are a set of societal expectations that are placed upon us from such a young age, and it can be hard to break away from these to work out what you actually want to do in life.


You said "it feels like I should be...".  Is the "should" feeling coming from yourself or from others? 


Its great that you have recognised that you are using alcohol to cope, have you spoken with anyone about this?  A friend or family member or perhaps even a GP or counselor?


Warm regards


Re: Quarter Life Crisis

Hi @Isaac,


You certainly are not alone in this. It took me till my early 30's to realize that no one really knows what they are doing.

Now I do my best to practice taking things as they come. This has helped me a lot in my own journey.

I hope you can find some peace around your current situation.

You will find your way. 🙂