Re: Not well

@eth  hope you don’t made me tagging you here. I think you have a lot of expertise in this area.

Re: Not well

@Loreli welcome to the forums. I know you will find only love, support and encouragement here. Not judgement or harshness. I've never been in a DV situation/relationship but I know a number of women who have. From what they've shared with me is incredibly sad yet brave stories. It's taken them a long time to start to feel worthy about themselves and their abilities as a parent. I'm so glad that you reached out for help because you are worthy of that. You do matter very much. I'm sure you are doing the very best you can right now for yourself and yourself and your daughter. And that is completely OK.

Just a quick note about how the forums work too so you interact better. If you put an @ symbol followed by a members name it will tag that member & they'll receive notification that you have responded to them.

Please take care of yourself and I hope in time to come life has a tiny spark of light and joy in it to make life worthwhile.

Re: Not well

Hi @Loreli  and welcome to the forums.  You will find that there are at least several of us here that have also been through or are going through domestic violence situations.  Me too.  

I'm really glad to read that you've reached out for support and are receiving it, both here and in your life offline.  You have already taken some major steps towards a journey of recovery.  I am certain that you do the best you can as a parent and afterall that's all any of us can do.  

I have done a course in recovering from abuse and it really helped me a lot.  You might find something similar if there's a womens' centre near you.  Otherwise there's a lot online if you google 'recovery from dv'.  It taught me about the 'cycle of abuse/violence' and how to recognise different parts of it.  And how to avoid going back or getting into new relationships that are unhealthy.

I'm happy to support you but will be away from the forums 26th Dec to 8th Jan, but I see you have quite a few others supporting you here.

Thanks for the tag @Maggie 

Don't forget to type @eth  if you want to talk with me @Loreli  - sometimes you need to type short names slowly.  You will see a dropdown box where you can click on the person's name that  you want to interact with.

Take care and hope you find the forums helpful and friendly.