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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry @Eve7 

Notifications are still playing up.

I hope today was a little better hon 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

Today I saw my regular pdoc for the first time in a month and I wanted to talk about several things but of course I clammed up then started crying and now feel as if I’ve wasted the session. She asked if I wanted to go back into hospital and finish the ECT sessions but I can’t see the use in doing that as I’d probably have to start again. She agreed that I would so that’s 5 sessions wasted.


I declined the offer of an admission. It’s just too hard and maybe it’s just too late for me.


I also went to look at a camper van only to be informed that it had just been sold at $6000 under the asking price. Not my day in lots of ways. Sad and despondent  today. Just unloading here rather than the worry room. No need for responses. Take care of yourselves.

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 I wanted to respond because you are important to me.

I don't think those ect sessions were a waste. Perhaps they were there to tell you that thats not the path you want to take at the moment. And that is ok.


Agreeing to an admission is hard in the first place.


I have to go but please take care of you. You matter and are worth fighting for.


Re: Morning has broken

@Snowie  You are so wise.




@Eve7  So sorry about your awful day. 


I don't think anything is too late for you. You're worth all of the treatment that you want to take. 


I hope you feel a bit brighter and stronger today... Sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Is anyone around?

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

I'm around for a bit

Re: Morning has broken

Please sit with me @Snowie @Captain24 I’m not in a good place.

Re: Morning has broken

Sure @Eve7. I’m doing diamond art and the chair next to me is empty. It’s yours

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry to hear that @Eve7 💗💗

If you want to chat we are here

@Captain24 💕💕

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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