Re: Share a cuppa?

So very sorry to hear last year wasn't so good, @Appleblossom, but pleased that your workshop was a highpoint in it. I have been enjoying life as much as my constraints allow. My car is a joy to have, almost a year old, and takes me to my sport three days a week. They are such a varied and pleasant group of retirees, and I can't believe it is all going so well. I guess you're now excelling at recorder too. Lucky you. I've had to concede that I'm not musical but I thoroughly enjoy other's abilities. It takes such a long time to excel and the interim is just too frustrating at my age and temperament. Your workshop sounds to have been wonderful. So good to see you still broadening your musical experiences. Half your luck.


I hope the year ahead shapes up well for you.

Re: Share a cuppa?



It is great you are active and able to get about in your car.


Exercises and physio are core in my life...


Music practice comes with its issues. I have hand and neck issues so ... Gently Bently. Went to Hand rehab this week and he gave me soft splints to help support my hands holding recorder.  


Take care 



Re: Share a cuppa?

I have a serious right-hand issue too. It took me a little while, but I figured out it is a repetitive stress issue caused by too much mouse usage on my computer. I've been using a stiffish wrist/hand support and pulled it over my knuckles to immobilise my fingers to a certain degree. It's working so far and giving me back some control of my fingers, two of which became uncontrollable and were quite painful. Your splints sound as if they do a similar function. I'm just trying to do a self-fix to save money. Cheers.