Re: Good Morning!

Dearest @Historylover 

Poking about is better than staying in bed all day.

Can you make a cup of tea ? 

My budgies just said hello to you. 


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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning/afternoon everyone @PeppyPatti @Stout @Historylover @ENKELI how is your mouth? Did you get any sleep?

I slept 10 hours.


Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten I was tucked up in bed watching Dr Oakley Yukon Vet.


Sci-Fi? Hm let me see. Loved Eureka, Firefly, Star Wars - naturally! I also watched the original series of Battlestar Galactica and V, Logans Run, Buck Rogers. Safe to say I enjoy sci fi. And the Alien franchise. 

What about you? What sci fi shows do you enjoy?
How are you doing today? I insist you have a sauna and enjoy a warm drink of choice. 

What are you up to? Anything exciting? No pianos falling from the sky?

I've been rinsing my mouth out with warm salty water as directed and there is no pain on the right side. I'm a little wary of the left one as it is causing a little pain so I am making sure it has clotted. Tramadol helps bit also interacts with my other meds so I have had indigestion all morning. 

I joke with my dad that while he could have given me his build - height and slim - he chose to give me his hereditary illnesses, like GORD, Depression, all the good stuff! And then mum, I got her lack of height and weight problems, not her good health. She used to joke that I took more medications than her and she was in her 70's at the time. 


Stay safe my dear friend, we may never meet in person but you will always be thought of lovingly. You too are a kind and generous soul.


Feeling very accomplished 🤣





Re: Good Morning!



I so want to get to the stage where I can study Sociology. 


@TAB  thanks for saying hi to ....


There is someone always worse off and your attitude is what I like and how you live your life. 

Re: Good Morning!


I'm there. With key thing 


Alarm system 

Piano. Imagine the piano. It will call on his neck then.......

I'm laughing 


That's a joy for the day 😁 

Re: Good Morning!

"Poking about" meant that I still popped in to check the lay of the land, so to speak. All is well here. I hope it is for you too, @PeppyPatti. Just having a lazy day today before 3 days of sports for the rest of the week.

Re: Good Morning!

Thats good @Historylover great to see you on here. Its nice to know you things are going well for you! i'm just back in from a walk which almost knocked me out - haven't been consistent with walking but back at it again. Have baked a red lentil bread loaf today which turned out better than i expected - a low carb, gluten free option. The rest of the afternoon recovering from walking. i think i'm unfit again but have no problems with diabetes or neuropathy. So its not urgent to get out there and exercise but i must do it i guess. Have gained a bit so have to keep going lol Wishing you a good nite

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB I am still trying to understand that I can express my feelings and thoughts without recrimination here in Sane land. My entire life was always about others.  Dad constantly needs validation and as I am the only one of his surviving 4 children who is in regular contact with him it is up to me to give him that validation. Yes, I can hear you saying I don't have to do anything I don't want to but it's easy to say that when it's not you. I literally gave up my life for 8 years to financially and emotionally support my best friend and 2 Godchildren. The only money I had was to pay for my mortgage and car loan. I was never able to talk about myself. If I was feeling depressed my friend would manipulate the conversation to focus on her. I acknowledge I'm to blame for letting her destroy me financially and emotionally. I thought I had been given an amazing blessing, 2 kids who I practically raised as my own for 8 years and a friend who I thought was the equivalent of a soul mate. Instead I ended up being cut off, blocked and not allowed contact with my Godchildren because I was no longer wanted.


Crying over what my family and now former friend thinks of me may be a waste of time to you but for me if I didn't cry over it I'd probably end up harming myself. You are lucky that you either don't care how other people see you or you've been fortunate enough to have had emotional support.

The first time I got emotional support outside of psych sessions was when I first posted on Sane.

I went from having a group of 12 or so friends who I regularly saw to 1.

I actually think my emotions are what make me empathetic and able to support others who need to be boosted when they are feeling low. I always wished I had someone like me to give me hope but I never have.

Anyway I'm really emotional now and starting to cry. I can't help it. I wish I could have a who cares attitude sometimes!



Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti many years ago I bought a book called "How to Get Even with Your Ex" It was hilarious. It suggested things like "train your ex's dog to relieve itself every time the phone rings."

Or "sow lawn seed into your ex's carpet and then set the sprinkler to water it at night" 

Whenever I felt depressed about anything I would read this book and it would cheer me up no end.

One of my friends knew of my ex's hatred of gnomes and planted a couple in his garden. My friend was then going to sneak over at night and put a semi-circle of gnomes around his front and back door. She never did but it made for some hilarious conversations.

I'm glad I got a laugh out of you 😁

Re: Good Morning!

hey @ENKELI - your tears are always valid! that's a really tough situation that you've dealt with, it's horrible that your friend misused your kindness - no one deserves to be treated that way.


i know some people don't see the point in crying, society has placed so much shame on it. for some it may not be helpful, but for others it is - just like any emotional regulation tool, some find journaling useful some don't!
There's scientific evidence behind the benefits of crying such as helping to reduce pain so cry away! i'm here with you 💗