Re: Does anyone want to talk

A comb to rake leaves, @Jynx
Ha who needs a tafe course that took me 2x longer than everyone else to complete, you can just jump straight in

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yes perfect @ArraDreaming 🤣 and we'll use a gravy boat as a watering can. Perfect! We can start a business too - 'World's Most Inconvenient Garnders'

Re: Does anyone want to talk

And charge per hour for obvious reasons @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Of course @ArraDreaming and make out like it is the ONLY way that all the cool rich people get their gardens done. It's all the rage you see.... 😋

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Before I work where I am now and was working in landscape gardening for someone else or myself basically rich people with multiple properties were pretty much what kept us the businesses alive
Except they were rude af @Jynx they were sometimes just watch you and critique you from the back door
Heaven forbid I wanted a drink or a smoke break

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh that's totally been my experience too @ArraDreaming when I was doing door-to-door fundraising many moons ago, I'd always do waaaaaay better in the poorer suburbs than when we knocked the fancy mansions. The rich people never had time for us hey!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

but they also had so many properties they pretty much kept us in business lol so I just put up with them hahaha @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

There was one bloke who had us for all his houses and it was like rotation by the time you finished his list of houses/yards you were back to the first one needing mowing and maintenance again @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming hi! just saw some talk about rich people and got a bit nosy... hate that they were rude, hope you charged them a lil extra...

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I had one say to my boss “can he speak English” in reference to me… in front of me @rav3n
I can laugh now 😂