Re: Does anyone want to talk

My hand is healing well @ArraDreaming I can do a little more with it now but still have to be careful. I still get pain in my thumb but it is not constant now. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Well I am glad it is healing @Zoe7

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Thanks buddy. I have to still be careful with using my hand but with the finger healing well I am able to use it a bit more. My thumb will take much longer for the fracture to heal but at least the pain has lessened @ArraDreaming 


How are you and your beautiful family?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah we are good, we are tired, busy, but good, we had my nephew here for 2 nights this week which was pretty hectic he’s only a baby so kinda full on
Body catching up with after moving and that I think cause I m exhausted @Zoe7
You might like this story I took our oldest into school yesterday and had some seedlings with me because our kid wanted to show his teacher anyway I get there and she says do you mind showing the whole class so I spoke to his whole class about our seedlings we are growing at home and when we will plant them and how they started off as a seed and all about gardening
They loved @Zoe7

Re: Does anyone want to talk

That is so cool @ArraDreaming I am sure you had their attention the whole time and your passion for gardening would have shown through. I had a thought - I know you would like to start a garden at your kids' school and was wondering if you have a school association you could ask to help fund it?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah there is a parents group @Zoe7 they do fundraising although we are changing schools next term so might be one for the new one

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @Ru-bee are you about for a chat
Imat home today

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @ArraDreaming I sure am around to chat. 


How are you today?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I am not too bad today
I am home my 2 kids that are home with me today are having a sleep so its nice to have some quiet time @Ru-bee
Im a bit tired
Sick of this wind hey
We had a tree down in our yard today pretty big one

Re: Does anyone want to talk

We already been out and about today @Ru-bee