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Re: The SANE kitchen

Love that @Oaktree! Used to love watching em flit about in my front yard, such cute lil birds! Thanks for sharing, love it 😊 

Re: The SANE kitchen

No it is the same for my kids, it is to do with mob @Jynx but children do get their own decided by an elder or family member as well but I did not get one when I was younger so I am not sure what my individual totem is
My kids have not got theres yet but they will in time

Re: The SANE kitchen

@ArraDreaming aww cool, is it part of a rite of passage sort of thing, like when they reach their mid teens? And if you didn't get one as a kid, does that mean it's too late? Like could you chat to an elder about receiving one now? 

Re: The SANE kitchen

Kind of, it is all todo with their temperament and personality, but my kids are still only 0 and 3 so they will get one in time, usually pre school age ish
Yeah I could @Jynx

Re: The SANE kitchen

@ArraDreaming that would be super special I imagine, deffo worth at least asking 😊

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