Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @TAB I will bear that in mind when I get it. I think you are right


@StuF @Meowmy @Oaktree @Glisten @tonys @Former-Member @tyme 


I have just been reading a post from a traditional chinese doctor who says that theres lots of negativity, hate and violence in society now. People seem to be hooked into doomscrolling and having addiction to negative online content which never existed before prepandemic


He has suggested putting positive and uplifting screensavers and wallpapers on your devices. I never knew such a simple thing could be so uplifting. I have an orange rose in an ornate glass dome on my phone and some beautiful orange birds on my iMac now. Its made a huge difference. He suggested using sacred symbols like yin/yang, tree of life or yantras to maintain your focus on what is good rather than allowing the negativity to come in. I am getting a small Klimt painting of the tree of life to put on my desk.


He also recommended chinese herbs, breathwork and tai chi / yoga.


Here is what he wrote:


There’s a negative forcefield out there and it wants in. And that forcefield is growing along with tech. Disturbing imagery, we would once never have seen or even imagined, is one click away or is shown to you without warning.
Seeing terrible, fearful or shocking stuff releases adrenal energy, it’s like a rush, but it’s generated by your kidneys so exhaustion follows. The urge to share negative stuff is connected to this, as it gives it some more energy, but this becomes a cycle that can sap you until scrolling turns to bingeing. It grows the forcefield’s power.
We can feed ourselves 24/7 with anything that disturbs us now. As a result, our emotions are becoming way too extreme, like feeling hatred for people (that we don't even know) who believe the opposite to us. This would have been unthinkable in the good old BP (before pandemic) days. But I'm hearing it all the time now.
Bad news is more energising than good, because of the fear & adrenaline factor. This is how doomscrolling, or getting sucked into a bottomless pit of negative content, becomes addictive. These forces are powerful and it’s hard to resist the roll towards crushing hopelessness. We end up losing faith in life, or ourselves as it seems too late to do anything about injustices or wrongs, because everything is so dark.
It’s not. Yin and Yang, dark and light, we are the mediators. Build a positive forcefield, don’t give any form of inhumanity energy (no eyeballs, no sharing). Start to break the cycle with self-protection.

  • Get a screensaver pic on your phone (and all screens) that symbolises light and positivity and love. This reminder of your divinity, before you search or scroll (or work), affects what you will see.
  • Negativity cuts off the chi flow (causes stagnation in liver, heart and lungs) and then life looks dark. When chi flows freely your emotions are light (you can’t feel dark). So to break the cycle don’t focus on your feelings, focus on chi flow. Simple tai chi or yoga moves have instant results. If you’re not self-motivated join a sound healing class, a meditation class, a kirtan. Let that energy in.
  • When you are trapped in dark emotions or imagery, you can’t make sense of your life. Don’t beat yourself up over it, don’t overthink it, make practical physical moves. If you're triggered by injustice, personal or planetary, take that as an indicator of purpose and become part of a positive solution. Give that eyeballs and energy. If you're triggered by lies, give energy to truth.
  • Fuel your spirit with what it needs to fight the forcefield: Chinese herbal formulas (Wen Dan Tang is a great one to break the grip of dark emotions)
  • Nourishing food (of course). If we deplete ourselves of sleep, nutrients, movement etc, it restricts the flow of cosmic chi (aka the ‘breath of God’) to our organs and it’s easier to get sucked into negativity.
  • Aim at getting up earlier for breathwork - early mornings support the transformation of dark to light. The later you get up the muddier the water, the darker things will look.
  • Use spiritual symbolism all around you. and on you, to counter the pull towards negative entanglement: yin & yang, tree of life, crystals, buddhas, mantras, singing bowls and objects and imagery that speak of the mystical and infinite and your soul.

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 hey cool friends, hope you're all okay.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

slept most of morning here @Meowmy  just uploaded all of exercises for course, still have to work out lesson plans better, yeah , so okay enough. Hope things not too bad for you .think get newspaper and petrol to drive to course soon

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko  There has always been negativity, hate and violence in society.

2% DNA 🧬 difference between us and chimpanzees. I’m still traumatised from the David Attenborough documentary - brutal.


Re: Tabaluga's

Yes I would have to agree but I think its escalating with the rates of social unrest post-covid if you don't mind me saying. It seems like with all the pressures bearing upon people now socially and economically its the perfect recipe for disaster. People seem very unhinged more than ever @Glisten 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, well done re study. Not feeling well. But persisting. Going to visit friend and go walking with her soon . Take care. Please pray for me.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh dear, well hope things get better ? @Meowmy hope walk goes okay Thanks re study . silly was feeling under pressure this morning so hid in bed. finished it off in no time. well, lessons tomorrow.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

people w Downs syndrome have extra chromosomes just read @Glisten 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, very good re study. Hope to feel better soon. Life is hard. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Oh well @Meowmy  maybe read some stories later ? some sort of a treat for dinner perhaps