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Re: Share a cuppa?

ok @ArraDreaming 😀

Re: Share a cuppa?

Cuppa time! @Shaz51 @ArraDreaming 


Screen Shot 2023-03-13 at 8.32.54 pm.pngScreen Shot 2023-03-13 at 8.33.52 pm.png

Re: Share a cuppa?

ohhh yumm @tyme 😀

Re: Share a cuppa?

yum thanks! i love scones @tyme how’s your day been

Re: Share a cuppa?

yes @tyme how was your day with 3 little darlings 


Re: Share a cuppa?

They were good all day and now they are at each other @Shaz51 .


@ArraDreaming - I was babysitting 3 rascals today.


We made chocolate cake, did some singing and dancing. The eldest played around on the piano and violin. And now they have made forts at my place. It's a MESS here! Blankets, pillows, cushions everywhere.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Nearly time for mum to come home @tyme 🙂👍

Re: Share a cuppa?

woah! sounds busy @tyme 3! Sure sounds like a taste of what to expect for us 🤪 our 2 are busy enough at the moment.
One of ours is currently rolling around in mud!! i built another garden bed today and I have just been watching the littlest bug put water in it using his watering can to make mud which he is now playing in!!

Re: Share a cuppa?

It's so good being kids @ArraDreaming  @Shaz51 - so innocent, so inquisitive, so curious. In a way, I reckon the education system takes that away from them... I've worked in that industry, so I know what the expectations are like.


I just want kids to be kids.

Re: Share a cuppa?

can anyone guess what we have been up to in between plant hopping this weekend?? 
tomorrow this continues… @Shaz51 @tyme 



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