Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten well my dearest, he is out of luck because you're not going anywhere. And now he's on my s*it list too.

Maybe he'll be walking down the street and a piano will fall from the sky on to him.


I am feeling out of sorts with the extraction site starting to hurt so I'm grumpy. I'll sign him up to get visits from the Mormons. And Jehovahs Witnesses. Throw in some visits from Scientology too.

After that he'll be wanting the piano to land on him 😁

So aside from Eric Draven abilities, I'd also like to be invisible and do naughty things like run a key along the duco of your ex's car. Put poison in the yard sprinklers. Let rats free in his house. 

Install an alarm system into his house. The police will not believe him when he tries to tell them someone broke into his house and installed an alarm...


The best thing is that I would never actually do these things, but my imagination pretends I would.






Re: Good Morning!

@TAB thanks Tabby. I had to have a molar removed several years back, don't remember it being as painful. I am hoping it's painful because it was infected and the roots were in the sinus cavity. The one that he (dentist) took out on the right has no pain at all thank goodness. 

I've heard horror stories about dry socket and am being very mindful of that.

Then in a fortnight I go back for X-rays and a treatment plan for the rest of my teefs. 

I'm going to access my super if I can, otherwise I'll have to wait until I can get a loan.

I'd just started having a decent amount of money in my savings and now I have to spend it on living expenses. 

I know I have it better than a lot of people but honestly, it's been hell for the past year and a half and I keep wondering why everyone I know is living comfortably and I am struggling. 

Doesn't help when you have judgemental family members who don't realise that their well meaning comments about how I should be in a better position and that I must be the problem because all of their kids are married with children, have established nice houses and get to go on holiday every year. 

Yes it's my fault my parents are the only ones in my family that split up, my fault we grew up just on the poverty line, couldn't hold a man or have kids.

Standard response is "yes it's very sad she grew up without the advantages of her cousins, but thank f*** she's not my kid"

So while you tell me there are people worse off than me, I appreciate it but it doesn't stop my crying because no matter what I'll never be as good as my cousins, friends and former colleagues. 


Peace out

Re: Good Morning!

@ENKELI  you have a wonderful imagination and you always cheer me up 🤗You are a loyal friend with a big heart.

Don’t let the blood plug escape from the extraction socket. No one wants that. It’s all kinds of bad.

I hope you’re all tucked up in bed. Out to it with pain meds 😇

How do you feel about sci-fi tv shows?


Re: Good Morning!

Crying cos family say yr no good is a waste of time. I would have cried my whole life. Anyhoo. Hope you work out that it's not you they're talking about more like themselves and their understanding of the world @ENKELI 

Re: Good Morning!

Phew @Glisten 

Your pretty awesome in that your putting on foot in front of another. 


Thankyou for opening up on the divorce but I really love how you are working out your own self care. 


I think I collapsed for about 7 years after my first divorce. 

Re: Good Morning!

Morning all @PeppyPatti @TAB 

@Glisten @ENKELI 

Thats ok Enkeli, that was a nice read. I have a snuggle buddy, but she is no match for me. My specs need a superb kindred type. But she is kind and keen and is easy to work with. At this time in my life I am greatful for sticking through my troubles. I find that part of her amazing. Maybe she doesn't know a lot?


Re: Good Morning!

I'm still poking about, @PeppyPatti 😉.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @ENKELI I never got married, had kids, held down a job or had money or nice house. Was put on a disabled pension and wound up an invalid for 8 years confined to bed rest. I still got judgement about not being successful! lol Give me a break. All in all I don't regret any of these predicaments. My life was hard


But yes have been stigmatised.


You don't know what goes on in marriages as people put on a face for the world. I'm glad I did not bring children into the socioeconomic climate we face. Not into nice houses, holidays or money but having more money would have made life less of a struggle and provided more options.


I read a book on valourisation once and the things the average person aspires to does not apply across the board. How can someone from an oppressed socioeconomic class have all the benchmarks of success in every area of life that other people do? There is no such thing as a level playing field i know this as I've studied sociology


There are the comfortable middle class and everything is automatically handed to them on a plate. The marriages are like prostitution imho. Sex in exchange for economic benefits. They enjoy lots of privileges until they come face to face with reality. I've seen them lose their moorings when the rug is pulled from under them and they then turn to crime need someone to blame 


During the world economic crisis and the later pandemic a nearby once well off suburb close to mine was full of DV and crime as families buckled under hardship. I expect more of these people to start falling through the cracks even more now.


They just like sitting on their soapbox pointing the finger at others from a nice vantage point until it some tragedy happens to them.


We will seeing more and more of this. They are going to have to learn to rely on themselves in the end to make their way through the system and there is such a thing as the dwindling middle class 



Re: Good Morning!

A Quote from @ENKELI 


"So how do you feel about finding a kindred spirit, someone who understands how you feel? I really hope it is of immense benefit to you and you get even a little relief from your pain."


Immensely kind there Enkeli. I love getting close to the kindred. But never closed the deal. But I live in hope. I was built for tougher times, like the recession we had to have, and other things. So maybe I'll get lucky yet.


"Damn, this was supposed to be a post about you and here I make it about me. Sorry Stout, I will shut up and listen to you."


I'm listening to you Enkeli as much as I can for other people. I think its about us all, and expression. Even when exasperation emerges. I miss the long chats to. It has been a very very long time since I've had one, or even a good brain storm


I tried for the first time do the Support button, but couldn't figure it out. So I've come back again this morning to re reply.


Thanks for replies everyone.

Re: Good Morning!

I feel like iv missed out on something. ......

Typical .... Lol.....

I read @SmilingGecko fab message on sociology ....


I lived in upper middle class. 


It was a long time ago, iv struggled to get where I am. Yay. Cool me. I won. 

Exactly what @SmilingGecko writes. 


I'm very proud that I brought my children up not understanding what was happening to me. I just wanted love from my mum and it isn't there.