Re: Does anyone want to talk

We got no fire wood man @Jynx so split system and hoodies it is

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming ugh I wish I had a fire place. Been meaning to buy a brazier or something from Bunnos. I just really enjoy building and watching fire!! 


So wait do you usually have a fire wood guy? Like some dude in a ute who comes around selling piles of wood like a druid Santa Clause? 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah it’s awesome @Jynx
My in laws supply us when they visit…
bit of a haul with firewood but we appreciate it
When I had a car that could tow I usually went down and picked it up over a weekend
We definitely do not have a firewood delivery service that would cost a bomb

Re: Does anyone want to talk

can I say that in 2024 jeepers is that pc

Re: Does anyone want to talk

It would be pretty mint to have a wood delivery guy haha @ArraDreaming 


How often you get the fire going, when wood is plentiful?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Pretty much every night @Jynx which is why we run out so fast
Sometimes do a Bunnings top up but I don’t rate there fire wood
we prefer it over the split system but sometimes have to go both, or at least until the fire kicks in
6 year old helps us light it and get it going

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming oh true, bunno no good? I imagine it's the cheapest light wood ay, you'd want hard wood. 


So cute your little one helps get the fire going!! So wholesome hehe. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

so many jokes I could make from that response @Jynx but I’m not gonna be silly
Heh he he hard wood

Yeah froths it, he asks if he can split it, no never giving this kid an axe

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming 🤣🤣 Gotta use the LONG and HARD wood if you want a big fire 🔥


Ahaha yeah gotta wait till he's like... what, 21? 😂

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Just the silly little joke I needed, man I am such a child

Ah never 👎
This is the kid that told everyone he was getting large kn i fe starting with m, ends in shetty, for Christmas, he heard mention the word once. ONCE.
Thinks he is bear Grylls or on survivor, I trust his wilderness skills but then he goes the other way and just does silly kid stuff…. tonight I caught him about to jump from the dining table to the kitchen bench and I said what the hell are you doing and he said, I put pillows down I am doing an obstacle course like on Total Wipeout.
Like far out man, use those surivival wildnerness skills here mate… that’s not a survival skill, that’s the opposite…
This is why I don’t trust ya with an axe, we never know which version of you we’ll get
The survival expert or the non thinking brain