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Re: Cook Along

Yes @Oaktree , that sounds really nice ☺️🌺

And I’d be happy to do some anzac bics as a bonus, that sounds good too 🙂🌺

Re: Cook Along



You could try using the Pixillion Image Converter. It is free to use for non commercial applications.


Re: Cook Along

I want to make them, but I haven't prioritised it yet @Oaktree 


I'll let you know 🙂

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Re: Cook Along

Hey there @Oaktree  🙂🌺💜

I hope your day is going well today 🫂🙂

Just having a lemon crackle and a coffee, and they make a lovely pair today.. I think the flavour is more lemony today, and the consistency is like a soft Scottish shortbread ☺️

@tyme  maybe I should’ve put this in the cuppa thread - but as per usual, I can’t find it 🤭🌺

Re: Cook Along

Share a cuppa? Thread @Former-Member 🙂

Re: Cook Along

Looks like a lovely treat @Former-Member 


Thanks for linking the cuppa thread @Shaz51 

I was about to do the same thing

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Re: Cook Along

Thank you kindly @Shaz51  and @Oaktree  - I really appreciate it! 🤗💜🌺🙌🏻

Re: Cook Along


I have made banana bread a few times for my kids years ago. It's very nice.i might have a go again this week. I am looking for any recipes posted but can't see any .


Re: Cook Along



Go take a look at The SANE kitchen for recipe ideas 

Re: Cook Along


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