Casual Contributor

Life doesn't go to plan

I have just joined Sane forums as I felt somewhat alone supporting my teen daughter with bioplar.


Having been reading others honest sharing, I have felt touched by the honestly of life doesn't go to plan stories. 


I realised very quietly inside that parenting a teenager with a mental illness as a parent who manages mental health myself these days very well to the most since medication and realising anxiety was a real thing for me. 


I think when you are dealing with life that is certainly changing and caring for someone who can change in big ways suddenly if you don't find some joy to lighten and soften it's just catastrophe. 


On mothers day my daughter made me a card and called me her real life guardian angel to me that means everything that I am her cheer leader when things fall apart, as much as supporting a child with a complex mental illness is exausting and worrying, it's also filled with the moments in between that are joy filled when I see her put on nice clothes and get out of bed after a week of hiding and tears, I feel proud that I get to cheer her on and remind her she's braver and capable and there's lots of ways to climb a mountain. 


To all the families and folks out there brave enough to speak and hold the Space for each other thank-you. 


Together people win. 





Re: Life doesn't go to plan

Awwww @fern7 . 


That's so beautiful. That is the most beautiful part of being a parent, and it can wipe away all tears.


I'm hearing how much she is trying, and I'm hearing you have your own struggles, but you are doing what you can for your child.


You are luck to have each other.



Re: Life doesn't go to plan

Hey @fern7 


Good on you for being your daughter's cheer leader. That sounds like a beautiful card that you received.