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Introducing myself

Hi, my beautiful daughter had her first episode of hallucinations when she was 12. Months after her spinal fusion for Scoliosis.


Two years later she is starting her third week of being and inpatient after three severe psychotic episodes that left us all terrified.


We are still waiting for some test results but it looks like they won't find any organic cause.


She has lost a lot of skills in the last six weeks, her concentration and memory is reduced, her speech and cognitive function has been effected.  She sometimes doesn't sleep for three days.


Her personality we know and love is dimmed so far that some days it's hard to sense her there at all. 

The ups and downs can be extreme from severe mania to almost catatonia.

I walk on eggshells trying not to set off her paranoia, delusions or aggression.

She has been on antipsychotic medication for nearly two weeks and I think in the last 24-48 hrs I may just be able to see her taking a turn for the better. 

I have not left her side and have guilt about my other children at home. 

What a rollercoaster this is. 

Not applicable

Re: Introducing myself

Hello @allegra250


Thank you for introducing yourself and sharing some of your experiences, it sounds like you have gone through an awful lot with your daughter and her mental health, I can only imagine how terribly difficult those couple of years have been with her psychotic episodes, scary and distressing for both of you.

It is really good that you are reaching out for some support with this, feeling quite stuck and hopeless in this situation with her is very understandable, but you are seem to be doing all the helpful things - even if it doesn't feel like it.


The only thing that I would greatly encourage is that you get as much support as possible for yourself, the more you look after you, the more help and support you can offer your daughter. So I am really glad you have come to the forums for that extra support, there are some social threads if you ever feel like just dropping by and saying hello and a hot chocolate here or just saying good morning here 🙂


I look forward to getting to know you better,


Re: Introducing myself

Thanks for the reply, I have bcome an old hat with balancing thinhs usually, I've been her carer for 14 years. She has autism and an unknown genetic disorder that effects her connective tissue which means any part of her body can be effected. I also care for my husband who is a cancer survivor also suffering from severe crohns disease. 

A hospital stay for an undisclosed amount of time is throwing my ability to keep balance this time. I feel displaced and my toddler son and husband are suffering. 

Re: Introducing myself

You have so much to manage @allegra250. I can imagine you are very organised but there are times when it is too much.  With a littlie, an ill husband and your daughter in distress, It is important you hook into as much support for carers as possible.  Different states have groups etc.  eg CarersVic.  

Popping online and chatting helps some of us. Feel free to join in on the Hot Choc thread or as seems to fit you.

Take Care

Smiley Happy



Re: Introducing myself

hello @allegra250 sending you tenderhugs my friend Heart