Re: Disability employment services

@Ma60. Good for you for following through with the appointment. Thank god they had a back up for the sick staff member. So glad you will now have an advocate helping you deal with the DES provider. Hopefully you won't have to fight all the time to be understood and to be shown some human compassion and decency.
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I'm sure your psychiatrist will be proud of what you have achieved.
Not applicable

Re: Disability employment services

Hi @Ma60,
Good god! I have been waiting for DES for 5 months. Got told by Centrelink staff, I would be waiting a long time and not to get my hopes up. Even after a Hospital admission. I got told by the employment agency that I would not make DSP due to my age. ( 38). Where the hell do we go? I want to work, but demands of finding 20 jobs a month has kept me on medical leave. It totally caused anxiety attacks. My G.P does not want me to work, but I am raising a teenager. Money is important. I can't believe that they told you suicide is selfish. It proves that these people aren't qualified in MI when they should be. I am glad you got to speak with a person from Centrelink. Did not even know they exsisted. Thankyou for your story. It gives hope to others in the same situation. Cheers.

Re: Disability employment services


Age has nothing to do with the disability support pension. There are people on it who are of all ages, unless you are on the age pension which applies to those who are 65+ years. The disability support pension is based on a medical criteria. You have to be determined as someone who has a permanent illness or injury. I was knocked back originally because my illness was originally determined as temporary. When it was fixed to permanent, I was successful. The employment agency are giving you false information. The application forms for the disability support pension are quite extensive in paperwork. The only way to find out what the real criteria is would be to ask Centrelink, an employment agency would not have those details.

You may need more than a GP report to assist with your claim. You may need a medical report from a psychiatrist, someone that can officiate further your issues involved with work and your health capacity.

Disability Employment Services are generally dedicated to those on the Disability Support Pension, otherwise you go to a standard Employment Services Job network. The only new criteria that was set based on age was that people on the disability support pension under the age of 35 had to complete a compulsory activity such as attending a disability employment services or approved Centrelink activity. You were encouraged to look for work but it is not the same criteria as it would be for example Newstart.

Not applicable

Re: Disability employment services

Thankyou for the information. I was frustrated with my Employment agent. She said not only was my age a problem but going on the DSP would mean that I would waste away for 2 years!. Not hearing from the DES , the Centrelink officer noted I would not hear from them because frankly, they were dealing with rejected DSP applicants. I had been hospilised only once, therefore my situation was not classed as a priority. Yeah, so basically I have given up on even being looked at.
My friend's husband had been hospitalised 7 times in a year, it still took him 7months to be approved for DSP. I am seeking employment ( doctors approved only 8 hrs a week). As you can imagine, its near impossible.

Re: Disability employment services


I am aware that it is harder to get the DSP these days but they still have to look on merit. I have heard that some people have had to apply multiple times to get it.

I understand your frustration and I am at a disbelief and shocked that they would say such things. No one wastes away.

I would suggest to try again. There are no limits as far as I know to submitting an application. Don't give up.

If your doctor only approved 8 hours that would support your case, but I would get a psychiatrist report as they tend to hold more weight. They would be able to determine a diagnosis.

Not applicable

Re: Disability employment services

Thankyou for your kind words. I am not with a Psychiatrist ar the moment due to financial reasons, but on a waiting list for a bulk billing one. But I do see regularly a Psychologist. And of course my amazing G.P so there is hope yet! .
Cheers, Ms78.

Re: Disability employment services

The first thing you need to do is get  2 doctors to say you are totally and permanently incapacitated from your mental illness.

Then you will be eligible for the Disability Support Pension     


If you can get the same 2 doctors to say it is "unlikely that you will ever be able" to work in any occupation at all again...............those words

You will be able to put a claim in on your superannuation to access your TPD cover.  

You may even have life insurance outside of super that has a TPD component and the definitions for access are a little more generous than from within your super..

I have just been through the process and made a successful claim.  My Bipolar Disorder rendered me "unlikely ever to work in any occupation for which I am qualified by education or experience"........I met the policy definition, I fought the insurer and I got paid.

I met other people in hospital that were so sick and they did not know they could claim on their super.  I encouraged them to do so.  Most people have $100's of thousands of disability cover in their super.  If you are sick enough, you can access it.

Re: Disability employment services

The DES provider (manager) rang me today to discuss my issues. I explained that the comment "suicide is selfish" was not appreciated and even  if no harm was meant  I can't cope  with comments like that. He said he would speak to the consultant. Have an appt. with them in two weeks. 

Saw my Psychiatrist today and told him what happened. I specifically mentioned that the provider didn't even look at his report. Explained that not only did I find it disrespectful to him but also to myself.  Told him why I spoke to Centrelink Social worker rather than make a direct call to the provider. He was very supportive of the actions I took.

Re: Disability employment services

It's bad enough how ashamed we feel of our mental health issues and hearing about"bludgers" everyday on the TV.I never missed a days work until I suffered "burn out"symptoms and got sick from workplace stress which spiraled into severe anxiety and depression.Today for instance wish I was dead,really low.I cannot handle the stress of looking for 20 jobs a month,after 4 years and severe job seeking realise it's hopeless.Had training at a worksite last week for a few weeks work in October.I Its only a cleaning job putting up with people is a challenge,its so competitive with ego's something I don't miss but it was good to have something to wake up in the morning for. to get medical certificates because after a discussion with centrelink  there was nothing there to allow me to keep myself safe from myself as I know I can't handle the pressure or hopelessness of job seeking.I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS.My psychologist thinks I should get the Disability pension,would like to get a life as this isn't living,no money to enjoy life and do what everyone else takes for granted.I miss my life,miss having a life,and not a day goes by when I don't wonder what the hell happened to me?. relation to the centrelink worker who commented on suicide.We realize not everyone is genuine but he/she is not supposed to be judgemental,show respect and have good customer service skills.There must be a way to put a complaint in as these people can do so much harm.

Re: Disability employment services

Hi Li!

Just to clarify it was the DES provider not Centrelink who made the comment. Centrelink were very helpful when I told them what was said. They contacted the provider on my behalf. 

I totally agree about the difficulties with unemployment. My husband was made redundant last year, he has had couple of short term contracts in the last 18 months. The government  knows having a go at the unemployed is politically popular. every time I heard jobs & growth during the last election  I shook my head.