Re: Averting a Disaster

Hi @Appleblossom and @Faith-and-Hope, it has certainly helped me get clarity in my thinking, being able to come on this site and vent. I can see much more clearly now what I need to do.

The visit with the financial advisor was extremely helpful. Also, I have found an affordable place in a country area my husband and I used to live in a long time ago. It has a lot that was on my wish list - five bedrooms, a wonderful view, acreage with things growing on it, and also three cottages on the land fully tenanted, so a source of passive income. With income assistance, I should be able to easily afford to live while caring full time for the family. The boys will get a roof over their heads with nothing owing on it and a source of future income, as well as experience with growing produce and raising their own food. I plan to tender my resignation for the end of second term and am flying interstate next weekend to view the property and hopefully make an offer. Thank you all for helping me get to this stage.

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Re: Averting a Disaster

Are there good psych services in the new location @perseverer?

Re: Averting a Disaster

Hopefully a less stretched and therefore more approachable CATT team too @perseverer @Former-Member.

Re: Averting a Disaster

@Former-Member, that remains to be seen. There is a psyche service, but I don't know whether it's any good. But we will be within commuting distance of the capital too.

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Re: Averting a Disaster

I guess in due course, if things go to plan, you will familiarise yourself with the new state MH Act. I guess there is good and bad wherever you go and often it is an individual person that can help or hinder @perseverer

Re: Averting a Disaster

Sounds like a plan. @perseverer

You have struggled so long, its great to be able to put your resources to a viable property with options.

Even going through all the processes will be learning experiences for them.

I am thinking of doing similar things with my situation on a much smaller scale and one dependant.

I do hope the services prove better. Perhaps you will be quicker to spot it if it not helpful and you will be around.

Take care

Re: Averting a Disaster

I think it is awesome that you have found this property @perseverer ..... I hope it’s “the one” and everything necessary unpacks quickly to get you into it .....

The fact that a semi-self-sufficient lifestyle on the land comes with it is brilliant ..... and the tenneted cottages .... wow .... fantastic bonus ❣️


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Re: Averting a Disaster

Keeping you in thoughts as you have house inspection @perseverer, hoping it goes ok.
Not applicable

Re: Averting a Disaster

How did you go with house inspection @perseverer?

Re: Averting a Disaster

Hi @Former-Member, it was very interesting. The property is beautiful with stunning views and an antique apple orchard. A substantial creek flows through the property and there are beautiful, relaxing places to walk and sit. The house is very run down and heritage listed. It was like walking into a time warp. There was even an old copper in the washroom. It still has the original light fittings. But it needs a lot of work including fixing the foundations on one side. So at present we are getting a cost approximation and evalution of our current home to see if we can afford to do the necessary renovation. But I have every optimism and can see God's hand in this. For a start, there is no internet at present. There is much work to be done on the property and the boys will all have to get used to much manual labour. They will have to chop wood from logs, prune the apples trees, hoe up the land for the vegetable garden and manage the pultry yard. To earn any money they will have to sell farm produce. No more pocket money. My eldest son came with me and I cannot remember ever seeing him so motivated and animated. Even my middle son is showing interest and there is a light shining in his eyes. I am also planning to get a little fishing boat and get those lads out on to the river to fish and drop pots for crayfish. I am hoping they will fall in love with country life and find fulfilment in being able to live off the land. So now it is just a numbers game. We will see!