Casual Contributor

Doctors and medication

Hi there, just feel the need to share, and hoping that might make things feel less intense. I just got back from the doctors and I feel terrible. I went to get a covid booster but my blood pressure was through the roof because I get so worked up about going to the doctors. Does anyone else get worked up about going to the doctors?

I've been stable mentally/emotionally for about 20 years ever since a massive depressive episode in my late teens, and I've been on the same medication since then, but I've had to change around GPs because I've moved for work/family, and it just takes so much out of me trying to build the trust again with doctors. I worry they'll take away my medication and I think this makes my blood pressure go up, I don't know. I feel so silly and embarrassed because I make what should be easy so hard. 



Re: Doctors and medication

Welcome to the forum @AlexisJade . I hope you find this to be a friendly, supportive space as I have. I sometimes get myself into panic mode going to the Dr's too. It can be hard when we think of all the things they might notice about us. I'm sure once you feel settled with a permanent Dr it will be easier for you.


Take care.

Re: Doctors and medication

Hello  @AlexisJade 


welcome to the forum


there is a well documented “white coat hypertension syndrome “


you are not alone


i had it.


a caring doctor tries to relax you and get to know you… and takes extra readings 


take care


Re: Doctors and medication

Thanks @Eve7 I appreciate your thoughtful response. 

Re: Doctors and medication

Thanks @Appleblossom I have heard of it, but I'll look into it a bit more. Hate to think other people are suffering but also nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks for your response. 🙂

Re: Doctors and medication

Hi @AlexisJade 


You are definitely not alone.  As @Appleblossom mentioned “white coat hypertension syndrome" is a real thing and I can totally relate to how you feel about going to the Dr. This also happens to me for other medical things, like scans, blood tests etc.


I've moved around the country a bit and found it really tiring having to explain your history to a different doctor each time.  The blood pressure thing can be quite concerning to them at first, but when you explain I think they are more understanding and accommodating.  I usually have to lay down for a bit before I have my blood pressure taken! 

My husband also has the same issue, and his doctor has asked him to take blood pressure readings at home for a few weeks before his next appointment so they can have a more accurate understanding of how his blood pressure is under normal circumstances.


Warm regards


Re: Doctors and medication

Hi @AlexisJade 


Good to meet you and "white coat syndrome" is a fact as I go through it each and every time i see my GP.  I have high BP which is generally 140/95 even being on medication, but it goes through the roof at 205/127  when I see my GP.  So we end up having a chat and he tries to distract me when he tries to get a normal BP from me.  I have a portable BP unit at home to take BP at less stressy times.


So what you experience is very normal from 1 HBP person to another.


Look after yourself   🙂