Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Plodding on here @MDT.  My unit is being refurbished but lockdown has put it all on hold - no kitchen and no shower at the moment, so all is in turmoil. I'm still grateful for the opportunity to change my environment.  There is a possibility that we will come out it after the weekend.  We'll see.  


We've become used to all the procedures - masks, sanitizers, QR codes, 1.5 metre distance.  It's become a way of life.


Take care.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @oceangirl@wellwellwellnez@HenryX@Swansong@Historylover@Fizz@MDT@Emelia8@Gwynn@Adge@AussieRecharger@BlueBay@Snowie@StuF , @Former-Member , @Tinker67@Dimity@Scoo@FindingStrength@Schitzo@Krishna@Anastasia@Peri@saltandpepper@bipolarbunny@BPDSurvivor@outlander , @Former-Member , @TideisTurning , @Former-Member , @Former-Member 


Is there something we feel we could do to improve our environmental wellness?

things that I cn do  to improve my environment wellness

1) have cut flowers in a vase in the kitchen ( when I remember to do so )
2) i put our small change in a container and when it full ,i go and bank it ( always surprised how much is in there
3) decluttering is good in the house and the yard and very helpful -- ( our place is not clean and spotless -- no way , but it is tidy )


Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Former-Member, @Ripples@SmilingGecko@Kurra Smiley Very Happy

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Appreciating what's good about an area or room or environment.

For example I really like how my study is laid out.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

It's getting difficult @Shaz51   Perhaps don't collect things because they might come in handy someday.  Don't hoard 'stuff,' but aways be well-stocked in necessities so that there is no need to ever run out of things.  Be organized. Keep like things together. Make your personal space say who you are rather than just be where you live.  Save for a special project, holiday etc. And, as @AussieRecharger mentioned, music.  



Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Yes I agree my friend.
You want it to say who you are and not just a place you exist

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I see @Historylover
Well I hope you manage to get it all fixed asap when this lockdown finishes

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness


Since Covid, decluttering is mostly done! lol


One thing I really want to do, but can't- I don't have the space- is order my CDs alphabetically

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Good thread @Shaz51 

Hi @Tinker67 welcome to the forum!

Environmental wellness is an interesting one - I haven't given this as much attention as it deserves.

I have a couple of artworks - prints, and a wood one - and they make me happy. They were not expensive, but I did save for them and when they catch my eye I pause. My living space is very small but I feel like they really add to it.

@AussieRecharger @Historylover @MDT @StuF ... hi everyone here today

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness


Yeah, I like/need my posters and prints.


I also have two of my mum's artworks 🙂


Oh, and hi everyone else today!