Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Hello Shaz51, tried to post here just before but it just vanished. I got rid of x4 bags clothes today. To charity 🙂

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

wow that is great @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy, way to go Smiley Happy

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member 🙌images (129).jpg



Four bits of paperwork tossed here.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member, paperwork is my biggest Hassel staying on top of at home. Little piles all over the place. Big plans to file things properly... but honestly. what for! Tossing is the only solution lol

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


These papers are recipes, crafti or other interesting magazine articles along with pamphlets etc.


I got my financial paperwork sorted really well. Bought some folders and  a couple of tubs (one for permanent/current papers, the other for 7 year historical records)


Have important papers in a display folder in the bottom of current tub.  


Have individual folders for 'important' things like bank ac , insurance, current car. A general folder holds general bills like electricity/gas/phone etc.


Each year the non permanent stuff gets transferred to the historical box and the >7 year papers get shredded. 


Permanent papers are reviewed and as needed are put in general file (ie old insurance, old car etc)



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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

OK @Former-Member 🙂

now you're just showing off 🙂 LOL.  But that's amazing system I'll definitely try to implement. Thanks for sharing it 🙂 


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member 😀😀😀


I am a bit chuffed with  - having something that works well = 👍


Tidy up continures to be a slow process.


Yesterday - found some out of date chickpeas, lentils and pearl barley lurking in pantry. 

@Smc you will be pleased to hear that I put them all in the slow cooker with water and cooked them up. The chooks thoroughly enjoyed them for tea. 😀

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

What with being off colour too much lately, I didn't manage to set up my "mini garage sale" a second time, but I did put a notice on our town FB page with a few things. A friend bought some boxed Christmas crockery off me, which she likes so much that she's planning on using them day to day. Another lady is interested in some of the other crockery, but am still waiting to hear back what if any she'll actually take.


Incomings are the other bit we have to watch. I did buy a few small things second hand today. A book, a couple of storage jars, a nice Japanese style plate. And will be picking up some gardening mags off a friend later today. Maybe I'll go through our books and mags, and find some to drop off at one of the "Take a book" stands we've got in town.


We're also going to pick up some fencing mesh oddments from a friend, but am not too worried about that. We need those for keeping wallabies off fruit trees and suchlike, so they'll be well used. I can however think of a few "beyond use" bits and pieces outside that I can move towards the bin. When I'm not feeling sick, and once the weather's cooled off...

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance



Christmas crockery out = 🙌


Celebrating victories big and small. 😀

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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I picked up four magazines, and left four books at the "take a book" stand. I've got a fifth book that I know our son wants, so once I pass that on to him, the one I bought at the op shop today is "in balance". 😛

And we broke one glass at Christmas, so the one I bought today is OK too, yes? 😄


But seriously, long term I've got to do a lot more than "one in, one out". Still, is a start.

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